Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Another Bicycle Theft on Roosevelt Island and Public Safety Reports from January 19 - September 1, 2008

Image of Riverwalk bike rack is not necessarily where bike was stolen

There was another bicycle theft reported to the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department this past week. The latest occurrence makes at least 3 in recent weeks. This time the bike was taken from one of the street bike racks. According to Public Safety report for August 29:
Petit Larceny - Female walked into PSD reported bike taken from rack by unknown subjects. Search made with negative results.
There was also an August 31 report of:
Criminal Mischief-Bike Room door damaged. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA Super notified.
Here are the other Roosevelt Island Public Safety reports for August 25 - September 1.

8/25 /08-7:00 AM to 8/26/08-7:00 AM

Found Property- A sebco Laundry card. It was secured in PSD.

Missing Person- From a group home. NYPD and PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.

Escort- PSD provided an escort.

Graffiti- On 7th Floor. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.

Smoke Condition- Small fire of donated clothes. PSD extinguished it. No injuries or property damage.

Investigation- Senior Citizen escorted to apt by PSD.

8/26/08-7:00 AM to 8/27/08-7:00 AM

Criminal Mischief- Concert Flower Pot turned over. WV Door man notified. No Damage. Search for subject yielded negative results.

Graffiti- In building. and in stairwell. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.

Criminal Mischief- /Petit larceny- Window broken to vehicle and property removed. Search for the subject yielded negative results. NYPD responded and prepared a report.

Found Property- Cell phone. It was secured in PSD.

Criminal Mischief/Grand larceny- A window was broken and property taken. search for the subject yielded negative results. NYPD notified.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.

Film shoot/Investigation- Film Crew on Island to do a film shoot and referred to RIOC for a permit.

Lost Property- 2 gold rings lost. NYPD responded and prepare a report.

Escort- PSD provided an escort to a female.

Hazardous Condition- Loose Concert and Cobble stone caused a flat tire. Motorist referred to RIOC.

Trespass- 2 subjects arrested by PSD.

Found Property- Wallet and it was secured at PSD.

Alcohol Open Container- 2 Subject arrested by PSD.

Criminal Possession of Marijuana- Subject arrested by PSD.

8/27/087:00 AM to 8/28/08-7:00AM

Unsecured Vehicle- Unable to contact the owner. PSD checked the vehicle periodically.

Unsecured Premises- Door left open. Search conducted and it was in order. The door was locked and secured.

Alarm- Search conducted for subject with negative results. NYPD responded. The alarm was reset.

Vehicle on Fire- No inuries. FDNY responded. Owner had vehicle towed.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.

Found Property- A wallet. It was secured in PSD.

Criminal Mischief- Rear door damaged to building. RIOC notified. Search for the subject conducted with negative results.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.

Aided/EDP- Male threaten to jump off the R.I. Bridge. NYPD and EMS responded. He was taken to the Hospital by EMS.

Criminal Mischief- Water base paint was thrown on the outside and inside of a building. Search conducted for the subject yielded negative results. UA Super notified and corrected the condition.

0700 hrs 08/28/08 - 0700 hrs 08/29/08

Suicide jumper - PSD responded to RI bridge for possible jumper. NYPD and EMS on scene and transported aided to hospital.

Unsecured premises/Criminal Mischief - Unknown subjects entered day care center and sprayed it all over with paint. Maintenance cleaned it up. Conducted search of area with negative results.

Vehicle accident - RIOC bus hit truck causing minor damages. No injuries involved. NYPD refused.

Water leak - PSD responded to apt for water leak. Super checked apt and found no leak. Super secured apt.

Hazardous condition - Super reported that 3 youths entered elevator and threw pills all over elevator and stairwell. Maintenance cleaned up pills.

Aided - RIOC personnel twisted ankle. EMS transported aided to hospital.

Aided - Aided tripped and fell. Aided refused transport. No injuries.

Found property - Anon person dropped off cell phone at PSD. Phone secured phone.

0700 Hrs 8/29/08 - 0700 Hrs 8/30/08

Graffiti - Female tenant walked in to report black marker was used on front door lock. Search made with negative results. Super notify.

Found Property - RIOC worker gave PSD black purse found at Post Office area. Secured in Sgt's Cabinet.

Criminal Mischief - PSD Responded to Eastwood building for broken light bulbs thrown into the stairwell. Search made with negative results.

Petit Larceny - Female walked into PSD reported bike taken from rack by unknown subjects. Search made with negative results.

Aided - PSD Officer responded with FDNY for a 72 yr. old male who fell hitting his head. Transported to Elmhurst Hospital.

Graffiti - PSD Officer responded to stairwell and observed writing on wall. search made with negative results.

Fire - PSD Officer responded to a smoke alarm. Tenant was taken out of apartment. Fire was extinguished. FDNY on scene.

8/30/08-7:00 AM to 8/31/08-7:00 AM

Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.

Aided-/DOA- Elderly deceased in apt. EMS and NYPD responded.

Graffiti- Rear of River Cross. Search for the subject yielded negative results. RIOC notified.

Criminal Trespass- 2 juvenile escorted to PSD and parents picked up youth

Alcohol/ Open Container- 4 subjects arrested by PSD.

Family Dispute- PSD and NYPD responded. No injuries. NYPD report done.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.

Aggravated Harassment- Via telephone. NYPD report done.

8/31/08-7:00 AM to 9/1/08-7:00 AM

Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.

Criminal Mischief-Bike Room door damaged. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA Super notified.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.

Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.

Assault 3- Husband assaulted wife. PSD responded and arrested the subject.

Here are The Roosevelt Island Public Safety daily reports for January 19- May 1 2008 and May 1 - September 1 2008 as well as Monthly reports for February, April and May 2008. I hope to have more recent monthly reports soon.