Another Bicycle Theft on Roosevelt Island and Public Safety Reports from January 19 - September 1, 2008
There was another bicycle theft reported to the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department this past week. The latest occurrence makes at least 3 in recent weeks. This time the bike was taken from one of the street bike racks. According to Public Safety report for August 29:
Petit Larceny - Female walked into PSD reported bike taken from rack by unknown subjects. Search made with negative results.There was also an August 31 report of:
Criminal Mischief-Bike Room door damaged. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA Super notified.Here are the other Roosevelt Island Public Safety reports for August 25 - September 1.
8/25 /08-7:00 AM to 8/26/08-7:00 AM
Found Property- A sebco Laundry card. It was secured in PSD.
Missing Person- From a group home. NYPD and PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Escort- PSD provided an escort.
Graffiti- On 7th Floor. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Smoke Condition- Small fire of donated clothes. PSD extinguished it. No injuries or property damage.
Investigation- Senior Citizen escorted to apt by PSD.
8/26/08-7:00 AM to 8/27/08-7:00 AM
Criminal Mischief- Concert Flower Pot turned over. WV Door man notified. No Damage. Search for subject yielded negative results.
Graffiti- In building. and in stairwell. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Criminal Mischief- /Petit larceny- Window broken to vehicle and property removed. Search for the subject yielded negative results. NYPD responded and prepared a report.
Found Property- Cell phone. It was secured in PSD.
Criminal Mischief/Grand larceny- A window was broken and property taken. search for the subject yielded negative results. NYPD notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Film shoot/Investigation- Film Crew on Island to do a film shoot and referred to RIOC for a permit.
Lost Property- 2 gold rings lost. NYPD responded and prepare a report.
Escort- PSD provided an escort to a female.
Hazardous Condition- Loose Concert and Cobble stone caused a flat tire. Motorist referred to RIOC.
Trespass- 2 subjects arrested by PSD.
Found Property- Wallet and it was secured at PSD.
Alcohol Open Container- 2 Subject arrested by PSD.
Criminal Possession of Marijuana- Subject arrested by PSD.
8/27/087:00 AM to 8/28/08-7:00AM
Unsecured Vehicle- Unable to contact the owner. PSD checked the vehicle periodically.
Unsecured Premises- Door left open. Search conducted and it was in order. The door was locked and secured.
Alarm- Search conducted for subject with negative results. NYPD responded. The alarm was reset.
Vehicle on Fire- No inuries. FDNY responded. Owner had vehicle towed.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Found Property- A wallet. It was secured in PSD.
Criminal Mischief- Rear door damaged to building. RIOC notified. Search for the subject conducted with negative results.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Aided/EDP- Male threaten to jump off the R.I. Bridge. NYPD and EMS responded. He was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Criminal Mischief- Water base paint was thrown on the outside and inside of a building. Search conducted for the subject yielded negative results. UA Super notified and corrected the condition.
0700 hrs 08/28/08 - 0700 hrs 08/29/08
Suicide jumper - PSD responded to RI bridge for possible jumper. NYPD and EMS on scene and transported aided to hospital.
Unsecured premises/Criminal Mischief - Unknown subjects entered day care center and sprayed it all over with paint. Maintenance cleaned it up. Conducted search of area with negative results.
Vehicle accident - RIOC bus hit truck causing minor damages. No injuries involved. NYPD refused.
Water leak - PSD responded to apt for water leak. Super checked apt and found no leak. Super secured apt.
Hazardous condition - Super reported that 3 youths entered elevator and threw pills all over elevator and stairwell. Maintenance cleaned up pills.
Aided - RIOC personnel twisted ankle. EMS transported aided to hospital.
Aided - Aided tripped and fell. Aided refused transport. No injuries.
Found property - Anon person dropped off cell phone at PSD. Phone secured phone.
0700 Hrs 8/29/08 - 0700 Hrs 8/30/08
Graffiti - Female tenant walked in to report black marker was used on front door lock. Search made with negative results. Super notify.
Found Property - RIOC worker gave PSD black purse found at Post Office area. Secured in Sgt's Cabinet.
Criminal Mischief - PSD Responded to Eastwood building for broken light bulbs thrown into the stairwell. Search made with negative results.
Petit Larceny - Female walked into PSD reported bike taken from rack by unknown subjects. Search made with negative results.
Aided - PSD Officer responded with FDNY for a 72 yr. old male who fell hitting his head. Transported to Elmhurst Hospital.
Graffiti - PSD Officer responded to stairwell and observed writing on wall. search made with negative results.
Fire - PSD Officer responded to a smoke alarm. Tenant was taken out of apartment. Fire was extinguished. FDNY on scene.
8/30/08-7:00 AM to 8/31/08-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Aided-/DOA- Elderly deceased in apt. EMS and NYPD responded.
Graffiti- Rear of River Cross. Search for the subject yielded negative results. RIOC notified.
Criminal Trespass- 2 juvenile escorted to PSD and parents picked up youth
Alcohol/ Open Container- 4 subjects arrested by PSD.
Family Dispute- PSD and NYPD responded. No injuries. NYPD report done.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Aggravated Harassment- Via telephone. NYPD report done.
8/31/08-7:00 AM to 9/1/08-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Criminal Mischief-Bike Room door damaged. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA Super notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Assault 3- Husband assaulted wife. PSD responded and arrested the subject.
Here are The Roosevelt Island Public Safety daily reports for January 19- May 1 2008 and May 1 - September 1 2008 as well as Monthly reports for February, April and May 2008. I hope to have more recent monthly reports soon.