Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Burglary, Assault of a Cab Driver, Possesion of a Weapon, Gas Siphoning and Other Recent Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incidents

You Tube Video of Doink Doink from Law and Order

Here are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for September 23 - October 7 2008. Incidents included:
  • Shoplifting (9/23, 24)
  • 8 subjects arrested for open containers (9/23)
  • Reckless Driving (9/23)
  • Criminal Possession of a weapon (10/2)
  • 2 subjects arrested for Burglary/Assault/Robbery (9/30)
  • Taxi Cab driver assaulted by passenger who did not want to pay full fare (10/3)
  • broken car window and window left open at Motorgate Garage ( (9/25, 26, 29) and
  • Siphoning half a tank of gasoline from vehicle (9/29)
Also, at the September RIRA Common Council Meeting, it was agreed to submit a referendum to the Roosevelt Island voters concerning the establishment of a Civilian Complaint Review Board.

Below are the complete public safety reports for September 23 - October 7, 2008.

9/23/08-7:00 AM to 9/24/08-7:00 AM

Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Missing Property- Credit card. Reporter stated it was used without authorization. he was referred to NYPD.
Graffiti- In building. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Shop lift/ Petit larceny- PSD responded and subject told not to come to the store. shop lifting deposition form filed.
Custody Issue- mother of child not home to receive child and adult sister took custody of child.
Criminal Mischief- Broken Window- Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Found Property- A Bag with property. It was secured in PSD.
Aided- Youth was crying excessively over broken computer. EMS refused.
Unlawful Possession of Marijuana- PSD arrested subject.
Open Container- 8 subjects arrested by PSD.
Reckless Driving- Subject arrested by PSD.
Criminal Mischief- Bucket of paint not sealed was turned over. UA notified. Search for the subject yielded negative results.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Found Property a check. It was returned to the Owner by PSD.

9/24/08-7:00 AM to 9/25/08-7:00 AM

Investigation- Resident requested another be notified not to deliver food to him. Message left for resident.
Investigation- Female believed another was following. NYPD refused .
Petit larceny- Involves two youths . Parents notified and left with youth. NYPD refused.
Shop Lifting- 2 Youths involved. Parents notified and left with youth. NYPD refused and Trespass notice filed.
Littering- Motorist threw summons on the ground and received another summons for littering.
Harassment- PSD and NYPD responded. Resident reported another threatened her. NYPD report done.
Aided- Intoxicated female taken to the Hospital by EMS

0700 hrs. 09/25/08 - 0700 hrs. 09/26/08

Investigation/Harassment- Irritate male entered PSD, left before sgt responded.
Summons served- Court paper served by PSD to Island Residen.
Vehicle accident- On Main Street between Tractor trailer and SUV, NO injuries NYPD notified
Aided-Female fell on Main Street sufer several Injuries,Transported to Cormell HOspital.
Unsecured Vehicle-Vehicle Parked in Motor Gate with driver side window
open. unable to contackt owner
Criminal mischief- Hallway door shattered in Eastwood, super notified, negative result on possible subject.
Aided- female complaining leg pains 911 ntfd aided left before ems respond
Investgation- report two suspicious male in eastwood psd made search with negative results

9/26- 9/27

Unsecured Vehicle- Window left open. PSD conducted periodic check of the vehicle. No record of owner at Central Parking.
Child Custody matter- Father went to see children. mother did not open the door. The matter was referred to Family Court.
Resisting arrest- Subject arrested by PSD.
Disorderly Conduct- Subject arrested by PSD.
Disabled Vehicle- A MTA bus. MTA towed it.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.

9/27/08-7:00 AM to 9/28/08-7:00 AM
Graffiti- In building. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA Notified.
Graffiti- In Park. Search for the subject yielded negative results. RIOC notified.
Multiple Vehicle Violations- PSD issued the motorist multiple violations.
Aided- Female fell in apt. Son had to break lock to gain entry. UA notified. Son will replace the locks. Female assisted up. EMS refused.
Hazardous Condition- Male fell and had back pain but refused EMS.
He will see his private doctor.

Did not receive report for 9/28-29

9/29/08-7:00 AM to 9/30/08-7:00 AM

Verbal Dispute- Over $5.00. PSD responded and it ceased. NYPD refused.
Investigation- NYPD special unit responded to apt regarding a jury case and access denied by tenant. Referred to ADA for a warrant.
Disorderly Conduct/Fail To Comply-Bus obstructed other buses and failed to comply with PSD officer and was disorderly. Subject issued summons by PSD.
Disabled vehicle- School Bus. PSD responded. It was pushed out of the way. Mechanic notified and other Bus picked up children.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Criminal Mischief- Broken Window in a vehicle. NYPD refused. Central Parking Manager notified.. Search for the subject yielded negative results.
Petit Larceny- Half a tank of gas was siphon out of a vehicle. NYPD report done. Search for the subject yielded negative results.
Criminal Mischief- In building. Broken light bulbs in building. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA Notified.

9/30/08-7:00 AM to 10/1/08-7:00 AM

Aided- Female fell in the subway and was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Petit Larceny- Subject took items previous day. Incident viewed on camera. Merchant refused to persue the matter. NYPD refused.
Smoke Condition- Small Garbage can fire. FDNY responded and extinguished it. No property damage or injuries.
Missing person- Youth. NYPD and PSD conducted a search of the Island for the youth with negative results. NYPD report done.
Investigation- Youth irate He was escorted to PSD. Mother retrieved youth.
Criminal Mischief- Male broke window in building. Subject arrested by PSD.
Burglary/Assault/Robbery/Disorderly Conduct- 2 subjects arrested by PSD.
Investigation- Prophylactics thrown on to patio by unknown subject.
Incident occurred three days ago. Search of the area yielded negative results for the subject.
Aided-An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.

10/1/08-7:00 AM to 10/2/08-7:00 AM

Vehicle Accident Between 2 private vehicles. Parties referred to NYPD. No injuries.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Trespass- Subject arrested by PSD.
Water leak Tenant not in apt . UA and PSD responded. The apt was locked and secured. The source was another apt.
Missing Child- PSD responded and found the child.
Aggravated Harassment-Via Telephone threats made to tenant's daughter. NYPD report done.
Criminal Mischief- Tampered lock. UA notified. search for the subject yielded negative results.
Found Property- A wallet. It was secured in PSD.

0700 hrs 10/02/08 - 0700 hrs 10/03/08

Aided - Tenant walked into PSD to report he was not feeling well. EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
Criminal Poss Weapon/Criminal Poss Marijuana - PSD Stopped two male subjects. One was issued summons for Poss. of Marijuana and the other was taken to 114 pct for arrest processing for Criminal Poss. of Weapon and Criminal Poss. of Marijuana.

0700 October 3rd, 2008 to 0700 October 4th, 2008

Unsecured Premise - Location found unsecured during patrol. Area searched with negative results. Door unable to be secured, PSD notified RIOC personnel so it could be repaired. An officer was posted at location.
Vehicle Accident - Female feel asleep at the wheel of her vehicle and ran into a light pole, causing damages to vehicle and pole. Female transported to hospital and RIOC personnel disconnected wires on light pole to prevent any hazardous conditions.
Family Dispute - Between mother and daughter. Daughter was escorted to apartment to remove her belongings and then left apartment without incident.
Criminal Possession - NYPD Officer and PSD Officer observed 2 males, one of them with illegal substance. One subject arrested by NYPD, second subject released.
Robbery 2nd Degree - Taxi driver reports he was punched by one of his 4 passengers and he then took money from him because they did not want to pay full amount of the fare. Search was conducted for subjects with negative results. Driver was uncooperative and refused NYPD.

0700HRS 10/04/08 to 0700HRS 10/05/08

Criminal Mischief - Tenant reports unknown object thrown into window causing glass to break. Service responds to clean up glass. PSD conducted search with negative results.
Violation of Court Order - Male wanted to report that his ex-wife that did not show to bring their son for court scheduled visit.
Graffiti - Unreadable black ink on window at location. Search yielded negative results and service was notified.
Hazardous Condition - Broken door handle on stairwell door. Service notified.
Criminal Mischief - Crack window observed in hallway. Urban American notified.
Dangerous Condition- Resident complained a ledge in the southtown park has no fence. No dangerous condition observed, child appeared to small to play in area.
Criminal Mischief- Pellet gun holes observed in hallway,search made with negative results.
Trespass- Three males arrested for trespass in 540 Main St. 19th floor.
Hazardous Condition- Two wide holes were observed on sidewalk. RIOC personnel notified.
Suspicious Male- One male stopped for videotaping the United nations, CPOP on scene, male stopped, questioned and released.

10/5 -10/6

Possible Aided - Urban American and PSD responded to check on tenant for Home attendant. Resident had gone to the hospital.
Aided - Female entered building lobby not feeling well and concierge called PSD. PSD responds and calls EMS. Aided transported to hospital.
Alarm - At the Cultural Center. PSD responded and all in order. Cultural Center personnel notified.

0700HRS 10/06/08 to0700HRS 10/07/08

Aided - Male suffering from dizziness and stomach pains, EMS was called and he was transported to the hospital.
Aided - PSD responds with EMS for a male with back pains. Aided transported to hospital.
Found Property - Female found a ATM card in the street. Card Company was contacted and officer was advised card had been canceled and could be destroyed. Card was shredded.
Confiscated Property - Driver made a u-turn and produced PBA cards which were confiscated.
Found Property - Male found a red and black female handbag on red bus. Secured in Sgts closet.

The Daily Roosevelt Island Public Safety reports from January 19 - April 30 2008 are here and from May 1 - October 5 2008 here.