Monday, November 10, 2008

Grand Larceny, Assault, Robbery, Criminal Possession of Controlled Substance and Other Roosevelt Island Publc Safety Incident Reports For 10/21-11/9

You Tube video of Inner Circle's Bad Boys

Here are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for October 21 - November 9 2008. Incidents included:
  • Criminal posssession of controlled substance (11/1)
  • $1000 antique lamp missing during Roosevelt Landing window replacement (10/24)
  • Metal Beam fell on Tram mezzanine (10/25)
  • Resident cut mouth on plastic found in food purchased on Roosevelt Island (10/25)
  • Viewing inappropriate material on public library computer (11/5)
  • Food stolen from delivery man (10/26) and
  • other acts of grand larceny, disorderly conduct, assault, robbery, shoplifting and aiding ill persons.
10/21/08-7:00 AM to 10/22/08-7:00 AM

Trespass-Subject arrested by PSD.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Menacing- A female was violent towards a porter. PSD responded and arrested the subject who resisted arrest and one PSD Officer was injured and taken to the Hospital. the Officer was treated and released.
Harassment- A resident complained of another harassing him. NYPD refused.
Grand Larceny 4- PSD responded and NYPD notified.
Missing Person- PSD responded and NYPD. He was missing for a week. Search for the youth yielded negative results.
Assault- 2 youths struck in face by 2 unknown subjects. Parent refused NYPD. Search for the subject yielded negative results.
Vehicle Accident- PSD vehicle's license plate slightly dented while parking.
Disorderly Conduct- 4 youths were disorderly in a store. All brought into PSD and released to parents. NYPD refused.

10/22/08-7:00 AM to 10/23/08-7:00 AM

Disorderly Conduct- 2 Males fighting were arrested by PSD.
Investigation-Unknown Person unlocked bottom lock of apt door. NYPD refused. No access gained top secured. Tenant to change the locks. UA notified.
Order of Protection/Child Custody Matter- PSD retrieved property for former tenant. Person also wanted to see child but due to order of Protection she was referred to Family Court.
Aided- Motorman of Train sustained a head injury in subway. EMS transported him to the Hospital.
Missing Property- At Tram. Search for property yielded negative results.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.

0700 hrs 10/23/08 - 0700 hrs 10/24/08

Missing property - owner left property on tram. PSD responded and made search with negative results. NYPD responded and made report.
Aided - fell at tram and sustained a laceration to the back of the head. Aided transported to hospital.
Petit Larceny - 3 subjects took unpaid merchandise from store and ran into subway. NYPD was alerted and subjects ran out of subway. Search was made by NYPD and PSD with negative results.
Aided - resident fell in apt. When home attendant returned, aided was up. Attendant called 911. EMS responded, but refused transport.
Suspicious person/investigation - intruder entered residents apt. and when resident turned around person left. Resident didn't get full description. Search was made with negative results.
Hazardous condition - FDNY and PSD responded to apt for detector going off. FDNY checked apt and stated apt was safe, but battery was replaced.
Disorderly conduct - subject was acting disorderly towards PSD. Subject was arrested and issued summons and released.
Petit Larceny - subject entered store and removed juice without paying. PSD responded. Victim refused to press charges. Subject apologized and left store without further incident.
Trespass - 2 subjects issued summonses for trespassing. One summonses issued by PSD and other by NYPD.
Missing child - PSD received notice of missing child. Child was found inside school and reunited with parent.

0700 hrs. Friday October 24th 2008 thru Saturday October 25th 2008

Verbal Dispute - Female was arguing with unknown male subject while waiting at lobby entrance to be buzzed in. PSD Officers responded to location search for subject with negative results.
Missing Youth - Male child jumped the school fence with out and left. PSD conducted a search for child with negative results. Child returned to his house and is with his brother.
Domestic dispute - Male and female parents argument over their child custody. PSD on scene child remained with mother.
Gas Odor - Tenant complained of a smell of gas smell in the hallway . PSD responded search conducted smell was determined to be from a previous fire.
Graffiti - PSD Officer observed blue lettering on a door. Search for subjects conducted with negative results. Urban American Management notified.
Grand Larceny - Male tenant reported an antique Lamp priced at over $1,000.00 missing from his apartment. Tenant reported Roosevelt Landing window workers only people in his apartment. Roosevelt Landing Management notified will conduct an investigation coming this Monday October 27th 2008. NYPD Notified and on scene.

10/25/08-7:00 AM to 10/26/08-7:00 AM

Missing Property- From apt. NYPD refused. Search for the property yielded negative results. UA notified.
Aided/EDP- Mentally ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- tenant reported odor of Marihuana from daughter's room, and a rodent problem. UA notified. NYPD refused.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Found Property- A Visa Credit Card. Bank was notified. It was secured at PSD.
Smoking prohibited- PSD issued a summoned to the subject.
Domestic Dispute- Between mother and son. NYPD and EMS refused. Dispute ended upon PSD arrival.
Found Property- USA Passport. It was secured in PSD.
Hazardous Condition- Metal Beam fell on Tram Mezzanine. No injuries. No property damage. Tram Super Notified.
Aided- Female state cut her mouth with plastic found in food that purchased. NYPD and EMS refused. Store owner notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Unsecured Door- In a Community Rom. Search conducted and the room was in order. PSD secured the door. UA Notified.
Criminal Mischief- 2 holes in the wall of a room. Also the window was unsecured. UA notified. Search for the subject yielded negative results for the subject.

10/26/08-7:00 AM to 10/27/08-7:00 AM

Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Found Property- A Vice like tool was secured in PSD.
Unsecured Door- Interior checked in order and the door was secured by PSD.
Unsecured Door (Steam Tunnel)-Steam Tunnel Personnel notified and secured it.
Robbery- Food stolen from the delivery man. Search for the subjects yielded negative results. No injuries. NYPD refused and EMS.
Criminal Mischief- 2 holes in the wall inside the building. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Harassment- Resident stated 3 males followed her and threatened her. Incident occurred the previous day. NYPD report done. Search for the subjects yielded negative results.
Unlicenced Operator/Unregistered Vehicle/ Arrest- Initial car stop was done as vehicle had no license plates. Upon investigation it was discovered that the motorist was unlicenced, unregistered and uninsured. Subject was arrested by PSD.
Unsecured Premises- The Oil Dock. It was secured by PSD. Premises in order. No one inside area.

10/27/08-7:00 AM to 10/28/08-7:00 AM

Noise Complaint- PSD responded. Noise ceased.
Graffiti- In building. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA Notified.
Criminal Mischief- Hole in wall. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Possible Aided-Mother of resident hadn't seen son in a few days. UA and PSD responded to apt and no answer. Later UA notified PSD that tenant was fine and seen outside on Main Street.
Aided- Female fell and assisted up by PSD. EMS responded and female refused transport.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Escort- Large trailer stuck at Ramp caused traffic congestion. PSD corrected condition.
Criminal Mischief- Rear side window of vehicle was broken. Search for the subject yielded negative results. Owner on scene and refused NYPD.
Smoking in an enclosed place. In building. PSD issued the subject a summons.
Unsecured Vehicle- Windows were opened. 2 Vehicles checked and they appeared in order. Nothing missing. No signs of forced entry. Unknown owners. Unable to make contact. PSD conducted periodic checks while on patrol.

10/28-/08-7:00 am to 10/29/08-7:00 AM

Fallen Tree- On River cross Property. No injuries and it was removed. RIOC Personnel responded.
Bus Service Complaint- Referred to Mini Bus Supervisor.
Lost property- A leather glove was lost on RIOC Bus. All Buses notified and it was not found.
Graffiti- In building. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Criminal Mischief- In building. A hole in the wall. Search for the subject yielded negative results.
Criminal Mischief- A vehicle window was broken. Central Parking had no record of owner. Unable to contact. Search for the subject yielded negative results.
Aided- A female fell in apt. EMS responded and transport was refused.
Harassment- NYPD responded and referred matter to Civil Court. Incident involves money owed.
Trespass- In building. Juvenile brought into PSD and released to parent.
Harassment- Female ex-girlfriend of complainant exhibited a vulgar hand gesture. Search for the subject yielded negative results. NYPD refused.

10/29/08-7:00 AM to 10/30/08-7:00 AM

Investigation- Child served himself cup of hot chocolate at Supermarket, and was told by Manager Chocolate not free. Child returned merchandise and exit store.
Harassment Female struck in the face by another female Search for the subject yielded negative results. NYP report done.
Harassment- Male harassing a female. NYPD refused. search for the subject yielded negative results.
Disorderly Conduct- Subject escorted out of building and became disorderly. Subject was arrested by PSD.

0700 hrs 10/30/08 - 0700 hrs 10/31/08

Water leak - PSD officer responded with super to water leak inside apt. Determined that leak was coming from store. Store owner contacted and corrected condition.
Alarm - at RIOC office. PSD officers responded and RIOC personnel inside. Alarm set off by accident.
Gas smell - PSD officer responded with super. Search was made and condition unfounded.
Aided/DOA - PSD officer and EMS responded for unconscious female. Female was unable to be revived.
Aided - fell and bumped her head. Aided transported to hospital.
Smoke condition - PSD and maintenance personnel responded. No smoke was found, but tenant burnt some food. No injuries or damages.
Family dispute - PSD officers responded to apt for argument between grandmother and 9 year old grandson in reference to being tutored. Matter referred to youth officer and NYC Dept of Education.
Stuck elevator - male and female stuck in elevator. Super removed individuals from elevator. Both refused medical attention.
Disorderly conduct - PSD officer summonsed subject for disorderly conduct.
Public urination - PSD officer issued subject summons.
Broken lock/Criminal Mischief - PSD officer observed entrance door lock broken. Super corrected condition.
Investigation - PSD officer observed damages to two RIOC buses. Search was made with negative results.
Arrest - PSD officer arrested subject for past assault. Subject taken to 114 pct. for processing.

0700 hrs Thursday October 31st 2008 thru 0700 hrs. Friday November 1st. 2008.

Criminal Mischief - PSD Officer observed vehicle rear window shattered. Search made for subjects with negative results.
Aided - PSD Officer responded to female apartment who stated was feeling dizzy. EMS Transported to the Hospital.
Harassment - PSD Officer responded to tenant apartment who stated a friend tried to enter apartment without permission. Refused NYPD. Search made with negative results.
Vehicle Accident - PSD Officer responded to ramp. Upon arrival observed NYC Bus and green Ford involved in an accident. No injuries NYPD refused. exchanged information.
Aided - Tenant complaining of low blood pressure. EMS transported to Hospital.
Found Property - RIOC Bus Driver handed over to PSD Officer a Nike back pack that was left inside the bus. Secured in Sgt. cabinet.
Found Property - Anon person reports silver Motorola phone inside leather pouch. Property returned to owner.
Arrest - Female subject was observed by PSD Officer who turned garbage can over. Female became Irrate summonsed and disorderly conduct.

11/1/08-7:00 Am to 11/2/08-7:00 AM

Criminal Possession of a Controlled Substance- 2 Subjects arrested by PSD.
Trash Can Fire- PSD extinguished the fire. No injuries or property damage.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Theft of Services- Female subject fled owing the car service $45.00. Search for the subject yielded negative results. NYPD refused.

11/2/08-7:00 AM to 11/3/08-7:00 AM

Aided- An ill person was taken to the Hospital by EMS.
Verbal Dispute-Over money owed. NYPD refused.
Petit Larceny- Laundry Room Cart was taken by unknown subject. Search yielded negative results for the subject. UA Notified.
Verbal Dispute-/Aided- Between mother and Son over son not taking medication. EMS transported him to the Hospital.
Unsecured Vehicle- Window Open. No signs of forced entry. Central Parking notified.

11/3/08-7:00 AM to 11/4/08-7:00 AM

Unauthorized Construction- On Sidewalk. PSD responded and it ceased.
Tampering- 2 Subjects observed by tenant tampering with his apt door.Subjects fled. Search for the subjects yielded negative results. No access gained. NYPD refused.
Family Court Papers Served-PSD served court papers pertaining to a child custody matter.
Smoke Condition- In apt. Burnt food. PSD, FDNY, and UA responded. No injuries and no property damage. EMS refused.
Lost Property- A jacket. It was secured in PSD.

11/4/08-7:00 AM to 11/5/08-7:00 AM

Aided- A Male fell and sustained a small laceration to the face. he refused EMS.

Found Property-A Child's Bicycle. It was secured at PSD.

False Alarm- At the Bank. PSD responded and no one inside. No signs of forced entry.

Spitting in Public- Subject issued a summons by PSD.

11/5/08-7:00 AM to 11/6/08-7:00 AM

Minor Vehicle Accident- Between a Sedan and a Van. No injuries and EMS refused
NYPD refused.
Missing property- Tenant left cell phone in another tenant's apt. She knocked on the door and no answer. NYPD refused.
Investigation- Male was allegedly viewing inappropriate material on the computer in the library. PSD conducting an investigation.
Criminal Mischief-Hole in the wall in the building. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.

0700 hrs 11/06/08 - 0700 hrs 11/07/08

Unsecured vehicle - PSD officer observed unsecured vehicle. Motorgate attendant was notified.
Trespass - PSD officers observed vehicle parked inside lot of Coler Hospital. Male and female were inside. Female issued summons for loitering and male arrested for trespass.
Harassment - female reported to PSD male subject coming on to island looking for her. Female has active order of protection against subject.
Robbery - PSD responded for report of possible robbery. Hospital patient stated he was robbed by two males. NYPD responded and took report.
Aided/EDP - Female in group home was acting out of control and struck another patient. Aided was transported to hospital for evaluation.
Aided /EDP - PSD and NYPD responded for possible EDP. EMS determined person didn't require medical attention.

11/07/08 0700hrs - 11/08/08 0700hrs
Criminal Mischief- While patrolling PSD officer observed a whole in the wall of 546 4th level, Urban American notified, search of area was made with negative results.
Aided- Male tenant reports while walking home he tripped over curb, rear of 560. fell to the ground injured his left side of body. EMS refused, incident occurred 10/28/08.
Unsecured Premises- PSD officer observed a ground level window open. at 543 Main St.. interior search made all appeared in order, window secured, no damage to property.
Possible unlawful possession- one male and two female subjects was stopped because they were behaving suspicious while sitting on bench, search made of subjects with negative results, subjects were then released. observed what appeared to be a small marihuana cigarette near by, stored in PSD office.
Investigation- Female reports that she was upset because no one notified her of work being done inside 510 on the 4th floor near her apartment. She states this is an invasion of her privacy. RIOC notified

11/08 - 11/09

Place -Octagon Soccer Field
Aided/EDP- Male depressed. No injuries. he was transported to the Hospital by EMS.
Property Damage- Crack in a Bus. Pre-existing damage not new.
Graffiti- In building on wall and stairs. Search for the subject yielded negative results. UA notified.
Urinating in Public - Subject arrested by PSD.
Poss Alcohol by a minor/Alcohol Open Container- 5 Subjects young adults. arrested by PSD.
Poss of Alcohol by a minor /Alcohol Open Container-Subject young adult arrested by PSD.
Alcohol/Open Container- Subject arrested by PSD.

11/9/08 - 0700 hrs - 11/10/08 - 0700 hrs
Family dispute - Between cousins who were uncooperative. EMS and NYPD refused.
Alcohol Open Container - PSD arrested subject.
Hazardous condition - Drain pipe hole. It was covered by PSD with a cone. RIOC Engineer was notified. No injuries.
Noise complaint - Loud music. PSD responded and it was referred to Urban American.
Verbal Dispute - Over the fare between 2 passengers and a RIOC bus driver. PSD responded. No Injuries and NYPD refused.
Aided - PSD officer was ill and transported to the hospital by EMS.
Unsecured premises - A building. It was checked and in order. PSD secured premises.
Criminal Mischief - A hole in the wall which provided access into a room. Search for the subject resulted in negative results. UA notified.
Unsecured Property - At South Point Park. PSD Officer posted. RIOC notified. Contractor presently working there and it will be secured. Search of the area conducted and it was in order.