Tuesday, September 29, 2009

Roosevelt Island Public Safety Reports 9/3 thru 9/28 - Robbery, Underage Drinking, Smoking Illegal Substance, Shoplifting & No Pooper Scooper

You Tube Video of Pooper Scooper - Just For Laughs

The most recent Roosevelt Island 24 hour Public Safety Report is posted daily on the blog's inside right sidebar, just below the RIOC Directors email address. Listed is a daily log recapping local incidents the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department responded to the previous day.

RIOC is also posting the most current Daily and Monthly Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident reports on their web site (July 2009). The August Monthly Stats are not yet available online. However, a breakdown of Roosevelt Island Public Safety incidents by location and category (the Blotter) for the month of August 2009 is available.

Below are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for September 3 - September 28, 2009. Incidents include:
  • Disorderly Conduct Following Traffic Incident (9/3)
  • Illegal Use of Tennis Court (9/4)
  • Shoplifting Youths (9/5)
  • Underage Drinking/Open Alcohol Containers (9/6, 9, 14)
  • Slapping (9/7)
  • Aided Child With Head Lacerations (9/8)
  • School Truancy (9/9, 14)
  • Suspicious Males In Building Hallway (9/10, 11)
  • Bed Bugs Reported In Eastwood/Roosevelt Landings (9/11)
  • Youth Disorderly To Public Safety Officer (9/12)
  • Smoking Illegal Substances In Building Stairwell (9/14)
  • Failure To Clean Up After Unleashed Dog (9/15)
  • Internet Scam (9/16)
  • Drug Transaction Taking Place In Public (9/17)
  • Driver Refused To Lower Radio Volume During Traffic Stop (9/19)
  • Rider Threatened On Tram (9/21)
  • Victim Robbed In Building (9/21)
  • Person Fell on Sidewalk Reported Raised Sidewalk
  • Missing Bike (9/24)
  • Loud Noise Complaint At Birthday Party (9/25)
  • Smoking Illegal Substance (9/26)
  • Dispute Between Neighbors Over Dog (9/27)
0700 hrs 09/03/09 - 0700 hrs 09/04/09

Papers Served - Resident requested papers served to her children's father. Papers were served without incident.

Vehicle Accident - Between RIOC bus and passenger car. PSD and NYPD responded. NYPD took a report. No injuries reported.

Verbal Dispute - Two females engaged in verbal dispute in laundry room over cart. PSD responded and spoke to both parties. Both parties will stay away from each other. No physical contact.

Criminal Mischief - Complainant stated lock to a ventilation room broken. Search of area was conducted with negative results and nothing was taken. NYPD was refused.

Disorderly Conduct - While on car stop, motorist left vehicle against orders of PSD officer and refused to move from the roadway. Male subject knowingly obstructed traffic and was issued summons and released.

Found Property - Resident walked into PSD and turned in purse found on street. PSD secured property. Owner later retrieved property.

Graffiti - PSD officer observed graffiti in stairwell. Super was notified.

9/4 - 9/5

Found Property- Black wallet found on red RIOC bus. PSD secured property.

Verbal Dispute- To females engaged in dispute in library . PSD responds resolves dispute over printer.

Aided- Aided transported to Mt. Sinai Hospital.

Investigation - PSD responded to Tennis courts for calls for help. Individuals were using tennis courts illegally. RIOC manager notified.

Found Property- Macy's shopping bag found . Property secured by PSD and returned to owner.

There's More!

0700 hrs 09/05/09 - 0700 hrs 09/06/09
Disorderly Conduct- Two subjects were stopped for disorderly conduct and summonsed.

Open Container- Two subjects were stopped for open containers of alcohol and summonsed.

Dispute- Red RIOC Bus driver reports he is involved in a dispute with customer. Officers respond customer leaves bus and will file a complaint with RIOC.

Aided- aided with laceration to the head is escorted to NY Presbyterian Hospital. Injuries sustained at construction site.

Trespass- While patrolling Motorgate an officer spots subjects riding bikes in location. Subjects flee leaving bikes. One bike is later retrieved by owner.

Found property- Victim lost NY Benefits card. Secured in PSD.

Petite Larceny - Two youths were stopped taking items from store. Subjects were held and released to parents.

Harassment- Victim reports being harassed by another resident. No injuries to report.

9/6 - 9/7 NA

Aided- Victim received a cut on her left finger, but refused medical attention.

Aided- Emotionally disturbed victim was transported to Mt. Sinai Hospital for irrational behavior.

Unlawful Possession/ Open container- 7 subjects were detained for drinking alcohol in public and drinking underage. One subject was placed under arrest for possession and intent to sell.

Found Property- A digital Camera was found and secured in PSD.

Aided- Victim fell on escalator, hitting his head and scraping his knee. Victim refused medical attention.

Smoke Odor- Resident complained about the smell of cigarette smoke coming from basement in his building. Officer responded and checked area with negative results.

Unsecured Vehicle- Vehicle unsecured font of 625 Main street. Owner notified and secures vehicle.

Dispute/ Assault- Victim slapped by female. Reported to PSD and NYPD.

Investigation- Victim alleges super tried to cash his personal checks. Report taken.

Aided - Aided transported to Elmhurst Hosp for stomach pains.

Criminal Mischief- While on patrol officer noticed broken wall in stairwell.

0700 hrs 09/08/09 - 0700 hrs 09/09/09

Found Property - Black backpack secured by PSD was picked up by owner.

Alarm- Alarm set off by teacher entering school. Superintendent corrects condition. Officer respond and check location with negative results.

Criminal Possession- While patrolling officer noticed subject with illegal substance. Subject fled scene.

Aided- Ems responded for a child with laceration to her head. Victim was transported to hospital.

Found Property- Officer received lost credit card which was returned to victim.

Aided - Aided feeling dizzy and weak was transported to Mt Sinai Hospital.

Aided- Goldwater Hospital Patient reported missing. Island was searched with negative results.

0700 hrs 09/09/09 - 0700 hrs 09/10/09

Lost Property- Resident lost her wallet in the train station. Officer located wallet and owner retrieved property form PSD.

Investigation/Truancy- Youth from the Island was reported absence from school. The Island was searched for youth with negative results.

Trespass/ Loitering/littering- Two subjects were stopped at 900 Main street and summonsed.

Aided- Aided was transported to Astoria Hospital for difficulty breathing.

Open Container- Two individuals were stopped consuming alcohol and summonsed.

0700 hrs 09/10/09 - 0700 hrs 09/11/09

Aided - Parent reported to PSD that her daughter bumped her head at the tram. Parent refused medical attention.

Missing Property - Complainant reported to PSD that property was taken from KIOSK. Search of area was conducted with negative results.

Criminal Mischief/Aided - Youths threw a object at a tenants door causing door bell to brake. EMS responded for tenant because she was shaken up. EMS responded and checked out tenant. Tenant refused EMS.

Malfunction Fountain - PSD was notified that fountain malfunctioned and Power was turned off.

Water Leak - PSD responded to water leaking from breezway over pass. Super was notified and corrected condition.

Escort - Two females reported to PSD that there was a suspicious male in hallway and requested escort to their apartment. PSD escorted residents to there apartment. Search was conducted for suspicious male with negative results.

9/11/09 - 9/12/09

Escort - A suspicious male was reported by 2 females on the 4th floor of Eastwood; the male was not found and the females were escorted to their apartment.

Investigation - A complainant reported bedbugs in her mattress, complainant referred to Urban American Management.

Dispute - 2 persons disputed over amount of money owed to one another; parties reached an agreement and refused NYPD.

Harassment - Victim stated she was being harassed by her ex-husband who was attempting to serve her court papers, a NYPD report was filed.

9/12/09 - 9/13/09

Unlicensed Operator - A female was stopped for making a U-turn and did not produce license, summonses issued to operator.

Water Leak - Lighthouse comfort station sink had a water leak, appropriate repair company notified.

Disorderly Conduct - A 14 year old male juvenile became disorderly to Public Safety Officers, youth officer notified.

Littering - A male subject was summonsed for littering in Coler Hospital Parking lot.

Harassment - Victim stated a juvenile harassed her, juvenile was apprehended and released to parents.

0700 hrs 09/13/09 - 0700 hrs 09/14/09
Criminal Mischief- Unknown subject turned over planters. Search was made for subject with negative results.

Aided- Victim stuck a needle in her finger was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital.

Aided- Victim with hypertension was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital.

Aided- Victim reporting difficulty breathing was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital.

Harassment- Victim reports youths in hallway threatened her. Subject was taken into custody and released to parent.

Unsecured Gate- Dock gate was found unsecured and secured by Officer with padlock.

0700 hrs 09/14/09 - 0700 hrs 09/15/09

Truant/Escort- Youth failed to go to school was escorted home and returned to his guardian.

Aided- Aided feeling dizzy was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital.

Investigation/Endangerment- Workers on roof caused debris to fall on pedestrians below. Management notified workers were ordered to stop.

Investigation- Unknown subject throwing food out of window. Search made with negative results.

Aided- Aided reported she felt unknown individual was following her. Caseworker on scene, children were notified. Aided appears coherent and to pose no harm to herself or others.

Alcohol- Subject was observed with an open container alcohol and summonsed.

Attempted Shoplifting- Store Manager called PSD giving a description of a subject who tried to steal items from store. Subject was apprehended and issued a trespass notice.

Aided- Hospital patient with disabled wheelchair was assisted in returning to hosp by officers.

Illegal Substance- While patrolling officer found 4 individuals smoking illegal substance in stairwell. Subjects fled. Marijuana was retrieved and secured in PSD.

Trespass/Exposure - Two subjects were observed by officers trespassing and summonsed.

Aided- Aided with lacerations to arms and legs from fall was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital.

Alarm- PSD and NYPD searched DEP Water Tunnel search was made with negative results.

Escort- Officer escorted elderly female to train station.

0700 hrs 09/15/09 - 0700 hrs 09/16/09

Aided- Ems responded for a male with chest pain. Aided transported to Lenox Hill Hospital.

Aided- Aided feeling dizzy with a history of hypertension refused medical transport.

Aided/EDP - Male acting irrationally was transported to Queens General Hospital.

Aided - A home attendant requested assistance getting an elderly patient proper medical equipment. Patients family was notified.

Property Damage- Tow truck company exiting Motorgate broke the access control arm.

Unleashed dog/Failure to clean waste - Subject was observed by officer failing to clean up after his unleashed dog. Summons was issued.

0700 hrs 09/16/09 - 0700 hrs 09/17/09

Aided - Victim stepped into construction glue causing no injuries. Superintendent notified.

Fraud - Victim was scammed over the internet. NYPD responded referred victim to Special Fraud Unit.

Aided - Victim complaining of flu symptoms was transported to Cornell Hospital.

Graffiti - While patrolling officer found graffiti in stairwell. Management was notified.

Trespass - Resident reported two subjects near window in court yard. Officer responded spoke with subject who stated she lost an item in area.

Verbal Dispute - Victim reports having a argument with her son. Officer responds talks with male. Condition corrected.

Aided- Victim complained of fever and chills was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital.

Water Leak- While patrolling an officer noticed water leaking from apartment. Resident was not home. Superintendent on scene.

Hazardous Condition- Porter reports all lights have been unscrewed in stairwell. Super notified, reporter corrected condition.

0700 hrs 09/17/09 - 0700 hrs 09/18/09

Smoke Condition - PSD responded with FDNY to an apartment for smoke condition. Tenant corrected condition before FDNY and PSD arrival. No injuries or property damaged.

Investigation - Resident reported to PSD of possible drug transaction taking place in public. Incident was referred to PSD Detectives and NYPD.

Aided - PSD responded to elderly female falling down. Upon arrival, aided was helped up by her home attendant. EMS responded and aided refused medical attention.

Trespass - Two male subjects were stopped by PSD for trespassing. Both subjects were issued summonses and released.

0700 hrs 09/18/09 - 0700 hrs 09/19/09 N/A

0700 hrs 09/19/09 - 0700 hrs 09/20/09

Assault 3/Unlawful Poss. Marijuana- While Reporting to work officers was advised by victims of an assault, made a search for subject. Subject was placed under arrest and determined to also be in possession of marijuana.

Disorderly Conduct-Officer requested that an illegally park vehicle move. Passenger exited vehicle
becoming disorderly. Subject was summonsed and released.

Unreasonable noise from auto- While issuing a traffic violation, subject turned up his radio. Refusing to lower volume, subject was issued summonses.

Found Property- Property was left in public safety by MTA police. Property was secured at PSD.

Investigation- Residents reported waiting a long time for the Red RIOC bus.

0700 hrs 09/20/09 - 0700 hrs 09/21/09

Trespass- Unknown subjects mistakenly entered Southpoint Park. Officer escorted subjects out.

0700 hrs 09/21/09 - 0700 hrs 09/22/09

Possible Burglary- PSD and NYPD responded to apartment determined the call unnecessary.

Lost Property- Victim reported property lost in park on 9/20/09. Property was not turned into PSD office.

Investigation- Victim reported feeling threatened by a group of males on tram. No injuries or verbal harassment was reported.

Lost Property- Victim lost NYS Benefit card.Property not turned into PSD.

Water Leak- The Public Library reported a water leak which was emanating from the air conditioner.

Robbery- Victim was robbed in building, search was made of subjects with negative results. NYPD responded.

Aided/EDP- Victim with emotional problems was transported to Elmhurst Hospital.

0700 hrs 09/22/09 - 0700 hrs 09/23/09

Investigation- Victim alleges common-law-spouse is having emotional problems and he is in fear for his life.

EDP/Aided- Aided transported to Queens General Hospital.

Dispute- While engaged in a argument both subjects received injuries and refused to press charges. NYPD on scene and took no report.

Unsecured Premises- While patrolling an officer found a door unsecured checked premises with negative results and secured door.

Harassment/Disorderly-Subjects hit cab driver an fled scene. PSD officer respond summonsing subjects.

0700 hrs 09/23/09 - 0700 hrs 09/24/09

Aided/Escort- Victims wheelchair became disabled, PSD officers escorted victim home.

Aided- Victim complaining about raised sidewalk reports she fell. Victim refused medical attention.

Lost Property- Victim reports two scooters missing, a search was made by officers with negative results.

Found Property- A Blue cloth wallet containing 20 cents was secured in PSD.

0700 hrs 09/24/09 - 0700 hrs 09/25/09

Investigation - PSD responded to dispute between mother and son. PSD spoke to both parties. Mother stated son didn't want to go to school. No physical injuries.

Unsecured Door - PSD received call of unsecured door. PSD checked interior and appeared in order. Door was secured.

Water Leak - PSD responded to water leak. Maintenance corrected condition.

Lost Property - Anonymous male turned in debit card to PSD. Owner came into PSD and retrieved property.

Lost Property - PSD received report of missing bike. Search was made with negative results.

09/25/09 0700hrs- 09/26/09 0700hrs

Noise Complaint- Tenant having a birthday party and playing music, neighbors began complaining, PSD responded tenant lowered music.

Dispute- PSD responded to area for possible fight, upon arrival negative results, search of area yield no injured person or property.

Aided- Female twisted ankle coming upstairs on the manhattan side of the subway, EMS responded, Aided was transported to hospital.

Aided- Male not feeling well, EMS responded, Aided transported to hospital.

Verbal Dispute- Male reports a female customer said he damaged her clothes, unknown female left was not on scene.

Harassment- Subject enters Thrift Shop looking for infants clothes, victim explains they no longer carry infants clothes subject started cursing, as per store supervisor subject is banned from the store.

Sept. 26, 2009 - Sept. 27, 2009

Water leak- Officer responded for a water leak. Condition was corrected by housing.

Aided- Aided suffering from asthma was transported to Elmhurst Hospital.

Aided- Aided was transported to Booth Memorial Hospital for unknown condition.

Aided- Aided was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital for internal bleeding.

Aided- Aided was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital for shoulder pain.

Found Property- Individual brought a black leather wallet containing victims credit cards and debit cards, which was secured in PSD.

Aided- Victim transported to Mount Sinai Hospital for leg pain.

Dispute- Customer and store owner were in a dispute over missing items. Owner found and returned items to customer.

Criminal Possession/Controlled Substance- Three subjects were observed smoking illegal substance in a vehicle. Subjects were place under arrest. While searching vehicle belonging to subject other narcotics were found.

Sept. 27, 2009 - Sept. 28, 2009

Investigation- Victim reports problems with her neighbor and her dog. Officer responds her neighbor is not home.

Harassment- Victim reports her neighbor yelling at her for making a complaint. Incident occurred 2 days in the past.

Water Leak- Officer responded to an apartment for water leak. Condition was corrected by housing.

Aided- Aided was transported to Mount Sinai Hospital for stomach pains.

Dispute- Victim reported to officer that subject refused to return personal property. Officer responded to location where subjects was last seen to find victims property intact.

Sept. 28, 2009 - Sept. 29, 2009

Aided- Aided in wheelchair was struck by a vehicle, was treated by EMS on the scene and released.

Harassment- Victim reported being threatened by a resident. Refused NYPD and medical attention.

Aided-Aided was transported to New York Presbyterian Hospital for previous injury.

Aided- Officer responded to check on a possible aided with negative results.

Unsecured Premises- An apartment was reported unsecured. Officers responded made a check of location
found apartment empty. Officers secured location.