Roosevelt Island Public Safety Reports 12/8 Thru 12/22 - Deceased Woman Found, Teen Suicide Threatened & Pregnant Woman Helped
The most recent Roosevelt Island 24 hour Public Safety Report is posted daily on the blog's inside right sidebar, just below See Click Fix Roosevelt Island. Listed is a daily log recapping local incidents the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department responded to the previous day.
RIOC is also posting the Daily and November Monthly Roosevelt Island Public Safety Incident reports on their web site. A breakdown of Roosevelt Island Public Safety incidents by location and category (the Blotter) for the months of November 2009 is available as well.
Below are the Roosevelt Island Daily Public Safety Reports for December 8 - December 22, 2009. Incidents include:
- Possible Burglary (12/8)
- Beer Bottle Thrown From Eastwood/Roosevelt Landings (12/9)
- Temporary Tram Outage (12/10)
- Disorderly Conduct By Group (12/11)
- Motorist Stopped, Disorderly Conduct- Pepper Spray Used By Public Safety (12/12)
- Female Teen Threatened Suicide (12/13)
- Inappropriate Touching of Female (12/14)
- Assisted NYPD In Off Island Investigation (12/15)
- Young Woman Found Dead At AVAC Yard (12/16)
- Tenant Harassed By Another Tenant (12/17)
- Water Leak (12/18)
- Assisted Woman In Labor (12/19)
- Electric Gristedes Sign Letter Catches Fire (12/20)
- Public Urination (12/21)
- Dog Barking Excessively In Apartment (12/22)
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation/Possible Burglary-At an apt. No forced entry. reported who relieved a fellow diplomat reported that the apt was open and all furniture missing. PSD, UA and NYPD responded. NYPD filed a report and advised reporter to contact other diplomat who had resided in apt.
Domestic Dispute- Between Mother and Son over Christmas gifts. PSD, NYPD responded and filed a report.
Found Property- a ring. It was secured in PSD.
12/9/09-7:00 AM to 12/10/09-7:00 AM
Aided- A Coler Hospital patient fell from his wheelchair in the street. EMS responded and lifted him up. He refused transport and went to Coler Hospital.
Reckless Endangerment- Beer bottles thrown from a building. Reported by UA. PSD conducted a search of possible subject and responded to an apt. Resident there stated he was alone and did not throw anything and he refused to allow PSD to enter apt.
Investigation- An Island resident came to PSD to make a complaint. But when asked to provide information of the complaint by 2 PSD officers she refused and became irate. PSD checked the floor she resides in and all was in order. Tenant left PSD.
0700 hrs 12/10/09 - 0700 hrs 12/11/09
Investigation - Resident reported to PSD of a unknown condition. PSD made search of area with negative results.
Domestic Dispute - PSD with NYPD responded to an apartment for dispute. NYPD filed Domestic Incident report. No injuries or property damage.
Alarm - PSD responded to an alarm. PSD along with employee checked inside and appeared in order. Alarm was turned off.
Tram Temporary Outage - Tram employee called PSD to report that the tram was out of service. Condition was corrected and tram resumed service.
Possible Aided - Home Attendant notified PSD that her client was not answering his door. Super opened door and tenant was not home.
Investigation - PSD received complaint of bike chained to a pole. Chain was cut and bike was brought to PSD. Owner picked up bike.
Aided - PSD along with super checked apartment for tenant. Apartment was checked and aided was not home.
EDP - PSD responded with NYPD for possible suicide called in by aided's doctor. Aided was not home, but entered PSD later stating she was ok.
Aided - PSD was notified by aided that he was not feeling well. EMS responded and transported aided to hospital.
Dispute - PSD responded to group home for dispute between two teenagers. Both parties were spoken to by PSD and the teenagers went to their rooms without further incident. No injuries reported.
EDP/Aided - PSD observed female walking in the middle of the street. Female was incoherent and brought to PSD. NYPD and EMS responded. Aided was transported to hospital for evaluation.
12/11/09-7:00 AM to 12/12/09-7:00 AM
Dispute- Report of two male youths fighting in an apt. PSD responded youth stated that they were play fighting. No injuries. Reporter to notify the group home headquarters.
Aided/EDP- female walking in the middle of the street and interfering with traffic. PSD Officer approached male who was incoherent and irrational. EMS transported her to the hospital.
Aided- a Coler Hospital patient in a wheelchair was screaming that it was too cold outside. PSD responded and notified EMS. EMS transported aided to the hospital.
Domestic Dispute- Between husband and wife a day ago. NYPD responded and filed a report. PSD was not notified at time of incident. Wife did not want husband in apt. Matter was referred to UA Management.
Aided/DOA- Home attendant called various times to reach the client in his apt. But there was no answer. UA and PSD responded and resident was unresponsive. EMS responded and declared he was deceased. Medical examiner removed the deceased. NYPD secured the apt.
Smoke Condition- Tenant reports smell of smoke in apt. PSD responded and detected odor of cigarette coming from the bath room vent. Matter referred to UA Management.
Aided- A male Coler Hospital patient felling ill. EMS responded and transported him to the hospital.
Trespass/Open Container- Three subjects arrested by PSD.
Disorderly Conduct/Refusal to move- PSD responded for a disorderly group. All left but one subject who after several requests refused to leave. He was taken into custody and arrested.
There's More!
12/12/09-7:00 AM to 12/13/09-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital.
Car stop/Disorderly Conduct- Motorist committed a moving violation and was stopped by PSD. Motorist refused to comply several times with PSD and PSD Sergeant to provide his documentation. Motorist became disorderly with PSD Officers and started screaming. He was sprayed with Pepper spray. EMS and NYPD responded. Motorist refused transport to the hospital. He was issued three summonses.
Verbal Dispute- Between a RIOC Bus driver and a passenger over the fare. Passenger reached over to the coin slot and removed a coin then left. PSD responded and filed a report. No injuries and NYPD refused.
Harassment- Between two females. Subject threw water at the victim and fled. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Criminal Mischief- A hole in the wall of a hallway of a building. UA was notified and made temporary repairs. Permanent repairs to be done on Monday 12/14/09. NYPD refused. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results.
Smoke Condition- A tenant accidently burnt food in the apt. PSD and UA responded. the windows were opened in the hallway to air out the smoke. No injuries and no property damage. EMS refused.
12/13/09-7:00 AM to 12/14/09-7:00 AM
Aided- Male had a mild allergic reaction. EMS responded and he refused transport. he stated that he was fine.
Aided- Elderly female fell from a two foot latter and sustained injury to her ribs and a laceration to her right leg. EMS responded and transported her to the hospital.
Aided/EDP- A female teen stated to her adult sister that she wanted to kill herself with pills. NYPD, EMS and PSD responded. Female was taken to the hospital for evaluation.
Harassment- Between two female tenants. PSD and NYPD responded. NYPD filed a report.
Aided- An ill female with chest pains and difficulty breathing was taken to the hospital by EMS.
12/14/09-7:00 AM to 12/15/09-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Investigation- RIOC parking sign removed by Grestedes Super Market employee. PSD responded and retrieved the sign and issued summonses to vehicles illegally parked at the loading dock. Employee warned and admonished on removing the sign.
Forcibly Touching/ Harassment-Adult female resident reported an adult male known to her was intoxicated and touched her inappropriately. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Aided- Gold Water Hospital Patient in a wheelchair fell. PSD and EMS responded and lifted him up onto the wheelchair. He refused transport to the hospital. No injuries.
Aided- An elderly female resident felt ill. EMS transported her to the hospital. Later her daughter came into PSD and was notified.
12/15/09-7:00 AM to 12/16/09-7:00 AM
Aided- Youth fell in the street and sustained a small laceration to the left knee. She was escorted to the father at the Motorgate Garage. Father refused EMS and to provide any on information.
Possible Aided- a Social worker requested that PSD check on a resident. PSD responded and he was not home. The Visiting Nurse of New York manager located him at the hospital.
Possible Aided- Food left front of apt. UA Super requested PSD respond to check on the tenent for concern that the per son may need medical assistance. Tenant not home and UA locked and secured the apt door.
Vehicle accident- Between 2 vehicles. One was parked the other struck it while parking the vehicle. No injuries. Minor damage to the parked vehicle. NYPD filed a report. The insurance company was notified.
Water leak- At two apt in the East Wood. No damages. UA notified and willconduct repairs later this morning. 12/16/09.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Unsecured Door- At the Child School. Search conducted with negative results. No one inside and the school was in order. Later NYPD responded with PSD and the alarm had ceased.
Police Investigation- PSD assisted Police on an investigation regarding a matter off Island.
12/16/09-7:00 AM to 12/17/09-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Minor Vehicle Accident- Between 2 vehicles minor damages. No injuries reported. EMS and NYPD refused.
DOA/Investigation- PSD responded to a report of unresponsive adult female. EMS and NYPD responded. EMS transported the female to the hospital. At the hospital female was declared deceased. NYPD detective conducting an investigation.
Noise Complaint- PSD responded and heard noise. Tenant did not open the door. Matter referred to RY Management.
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Smoke Condition- Tenant accidently burnt food in an apt. No injuries and no damages. EMS refused. Hallway windows opened to air out the smoke.
0700 hrs 12/17/09 -0700 hrs 12/18/09
Harassment - Tenant reported to PSD that another tenant was harassing her. PSD responded and conducted search with negative results. Complainant refused NYPD report.
Lost Property - RIOC bus driver turned over property to PSD that was left on the bus. Property was turned over to owner.
Property Damage - PSD officer parked PSD vehicle and when he returned notice damage to vehicle. Photos were taken.
Aided - Tenant was not feeling well and transported to hospital.
0700hrs 12/18/09- 0700hrs 12/19/09
Aided- Male has stomach pains, called EMS, being transported to hospital.
Water Leak- PSD, building manager and service responded to apartment for water leak, leak was coming from master bedroom toilet, service turned water off, service secured door.
12/19/097-:00 AM to 12/20/09-7:00 AM
Harassment- Between 2 neighbors. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Investigation- A person subletting for another allegedly took jewelry NYPD responded and classified job as grand larceny.
Harassment- Youth congregating in the hallway PSD responded and youths were gone.
Aided- a woman in labor was taken to the hospital by EMS.
12/20/09-7:00 AM to 12/21/09-7:00 AM
Minor Fire- A letter in the electric Gristedes sign caught on fire. Employees extinguished the minor fire. FDNY responded. The cause was electrical and occurred due to the snow. No injuries.
Verbal Dispute- Over the purchase of a jacket. Jacket returned. No injuries. NYPD refused.
Harassment- Between 2 residents. PSD and NYPD responded. NYPD referred complainant to court to obtain an order of protection.
Alarm- At the Post office. PSD and Postal Police responded. Interior and exterior in order. Faulty fire alarm. General Manager to reset the alarm.
Larceny- A Digital camera removed from a vehicle. NYPD refused.
12/21/09-7:00 AM to 12/22/09-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Vehicle Accident- A motorist struck a metal railing in the Motorgate Garage. No injuries. Damage to the vehicle and to the metal railing. NYPD and PSD responded. EMS refused.
Urinating in Public- Two subjects issued summonses by PSD.
Domestic Dispute- Between a female and her boyfriend. No injuries. PSD responded. NYPD filed a report. Male escorted out of apt.
Unsecured Premises- At the Chapel Recreation Center. PSD responded and conducted a search with negative results. All in order. the door was locked and secured.
12/22/09-7:00 AM to 12/23/09-7:00 AM
Aided- An ill person was taken to the hospital by EMS.
Barking Dog- Two complaints of a dog barking excessively in an apt. PSD responded and confirmed complaint. No answer. Dept of Environmental Protection notified via complaint.
Lost property- A job Identification card on Main Street.
Aggravated Harassment- Between two tenants. PSD responded. 911 notified for NYPD.
Aided/Disabled Wheelchair- A Coler Hospital patient's motorized wheelchair break locked up. this caused Coler Hospital Police notified. PSD responded and pushed wheelchair to a bus stop. Minutes later the wheelchair was operational. Coler Hospital patient went to Coler Hospital.
Unsecured Door- a mail room door of a building. PSD checked and interior in order. Postal Inspection Dispatch notified.