Incredible Video Of Remote Control Plane Flying Over Statue Of Liberty, Brooklyn Bridge And Exploring New York City
We think the views from the Roosevelt Island Tram are fantastic but nothing compares to the views of New York City seen from this remote controlled plane flying over lower Manhattan. According to Ars Technica:
The video is absolutely stunning: a remote-controlled plane flies over and around the Brooklyn Bridge, buzzes the Statue of Liberty, and explores New York from a point of view even "real" airplanes rarely see. While the police were curious about what was happening, no arrests were made, and the creators of the video praise the police and the TSA for their professionalism.The pictures are amazing but the natural concern is of the potential for damage caused by those who wish us harm using such devices. Hope the NYPD and other professionals learned some lessons from this incident.
This is the story of how one group of enthusiasts made flying a plane around New York City fun again...