Who Wants Some Roosevelt Island Ice Cream? Mr. Softee Is Waiting For You At The Tram Plaza -But Where Is The Good Humor Man?
If you are in the mood for some ice cream as you get off the Roosevelt Island Tram, why not order a cone
or some other tasty treat from the Mr. Softee truck parked at the Tram Plaza like these folks did yesterday afternoon.
Even in colder weather, outdoor ice cream is still good.
When I was a kid many years ago in Brooklyn, no sound in the summer was as welcome as the ringing bells of the Good Humor Truck as it turned the corner on my street
or the Mr. Softee Ice Cream Truck Jingle.
Everything stopped. No more playing punchball, stickball or any other street game as we asked our parents for money so we could buy some ice cream.
Here's one more piece of ice cream nostalgia from a time long ago.
Did you hear that Mickey Mantle just hit one in the Bleachers!!!!