Friday, September 9, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Ends With High Tech Marriage Proposal At Roosevelt Island's Lighthouse Park For Googler

Reported many times before on how Roosevelt Island is a showcase and prototype for the use of advanced technology to improve the delivery of municipal services. Roosevelt Island has the Next Bus GPS system to track our Red Bus, See Click Fix to report problems, wireless street parking system, East River Energy Turbines, AVAC underground garbage removal system and an electricity producing fuel cell with more to come including electric car charging stations and LED Lighting for the Motorgate Garage.

Roosevelt Island is also a place for lovers like Paul and Michelle, and Dave and Stella who were married here as well as other couples who keep on coming here to celebrate their wedding.

Now, you may ask what these two Roosevelt Island characteristics have to do with each other? The answer is simple. Google software engineer Ari Gildner recently used technology, Google Maps and a smart phone app, to take his fiance on an excursion around New York City to places that were important to the couple until she wound up at Roosevelt Island Lighthouse Park where he proposed to her.

Mr. Gildner wrote on the Google blog:
I recently decided to propose to my girlfriend, Faigy. I knew I wanted to do something meaningful and —yes—a little over the top, so I decided to put my software engineering skills to work to create the ultimate romantic scavenger hunt. On the road to “The Big Question,” I wanted Faigy to visit places around New York City that were filled with memories of our relationship. My plan was to construct a map of the route and get my girlfriend from one destination to the next,...

... I used My Maps to plan out the route—from the Trader Joe’s we shop at on the Upper West Side, to Magnolia Bakery where we spent part of our first date, to Hudson Bar & Lounge where we enjoyed a night of dancing, to Carnegie Hall where Faigy once surprised me with tickets to a Beethoven concert, all the way to the lighthouse on Roosevelt Island where we went on our second date...
Congratulations to Ari and Faigy. Here's the Scavenger Hunt Map that lead to Roosevelt Island's Lighthouse Park and a wedding proposal.

Just another example of applied technology being used on Roosevelt Island and an additional reason for the New York City Applied Sciences and Engineering School to select Roosevelt Island for it's new campus.