Saturday, October 22, 2011

Roosevelt Island Resident Missing Staples Bag With Newly Purchased Computer Printer and Software Package - Can You Help Find It?

Lost and Found Image From The Affordable Mouse

Roosevelt Island resident Eliza lost a Staples Bag earlier today that contained a newly purchased computer printer, software package and ink cartridges. She reports:
Today I went to Staples and bought a new printer and Microsoft Office and PDF converter software.  In the parking garage, I put the bag of software in the bottom of my shopping cart, with the new printer balanced at the the top.  I stopped in the farmer's market and bought another plastic bag of food, which I added to the bottom of the shopping cart.  When I got home, I found that the Staples bag with the new software in it was missing.

I would be very grateful if someone found it if they could return it to me, no questions asked, or a reward, please.

I can be contacted at