No Open Baby Strollers On Roosevelt Island Red Bus But Yes To Open Dog Stroller Complains Roosevelt Island Mom - RIOC Policy Is Strollers At Discretion Of Bus Driver
A Roosevelt Island Mom, Mrs Borjas, reports:
Dogs can be in strollers but not babies Incredible!! RIOC allows dogs in strollers to ride the Red Bus (and they sure can walk), but they make parents close the strollers and carry their babies during rush hours.... So now dogs have more rights than persons?and shares this photo taken last Saturday afternoon on the Red Bus.
As previously reported, the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Red Bus baby stroller policy is:
Revised Bus Policy
Hand baggage, instrument cases, bundles and parcels may be carried onto RIOC buses by customers provided that these articles can be carried on without inconveniencing other customers and/or the driver and does not obstruct the bus aisle or doors. Persons with unfolded strollers and/or shopping carts are not permitted to board RIOC buses unless the driver, at his or her sole discretion, determines that it will not cause an inconvenience or safety hazard to other customers or the driver. Orthopedic (wheelchair type) strollers for children with disabilities are permitted on buses just as wheelchairs are and must be secured in the wheelchair area. Bus operators must check strollers carefully to ensure that children with disabilities are not denied accessible service.
Updated signage has been posted on buses stating:
"Strollers and Shopping Carts must be folded upon operator’s request".