A Free Evening Of Roosevelt Island Dance And Music Featuring Choreography By Isadore Duncan, Music By Chopin, Brahms, Scriabin and Performed By Local Residents At Good Shepherd Tonight 7 PM
Are you looking for something to do tonight close to home on Roosevelt Island? Consider this.
The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) is presenting a free evening of music tonight featuring the choreography of Isadora Duncan and music by Chopin, Brahms and Scriabin. According to the Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC):
TONIGHT - The RIRA showcase is taking place at 7 PM at the Good Shepherd Community Center - Enjoy this FREE event showcasing your talented neighbors right here on the Island! The performance will feature pianists Roy Eaton, Mark Fiedler and dancer Courtney Ramm. Donations are accepted.Check it out.
Here's Roy Eaton
performing Chopin Fantasie Impromptu
UPDATE 12/10 - Event organizer Lynn Strong-Shinozaki shares this picture
from the RIRA Music and Dance Showcase evening of Roy Eaton, Courtney Ramm, Adrienne Ramm and Mark Fiedler.
I have heard from people who attended that it was a wonderful event.