Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Roosevelt Island Resident Seeking Your Help In Recovering Stolen Bicycle

Roosevelt Island resident Rossana Ceruzzi had her bicycle stolen last Saturday evening and is seeking help in its recovery.

According to Ms. Ceruzzi:

It's a Raleigh C40/ Red / bicycle with a basket on the front.

Image of Ms. Ceruzzi's Stolen Bicycle

It was parked for 5 minutes last Saturday night between the two entrance doors of the Roosevelt Island Duane Reade store where there are two cameras one of them at eye level.

A report has been filed with the NYPD and the Duane Reade tech will send a copy of the footage (reviewed by an officer) to both PSD and NYPD.
If you see Ms. Ceruzzi'a bicycle or have any knowledge of its theft, please contact the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department at (212) 832-4545.

Hopefully, Ms Ceruzzi will be as fortunate as this Roosevelt Island bicycle owner who had a stolen bike recovered.