Monday, August 11, 2014

Citizens Union NY State 76 AD Democratic Party Candidates Debate Tonight - Who Will Represent Roosevelt Island And Upper East Side In NY State Assembly, Gus Christensen, Ed Hartzog, David Menegon Or Rebecca Seawright?

Image Of NY State 76 AD Democratic Primary Candidates From Citizens Union

Citizens Union of the City of NY is sponsoring a debate tonight between the NY State 76 Assembly District Democratic Party Candidates seeking to represent Roosevelt Island and the Upper East Side. According to Citizens Union:
NYS 76th Assembly District Democratic Primary Debate Monday, August 11, 2014 6:30PM

The four Democratic candidates of New York State 76th Assembly District (Upper East Side and Roosevelt Island) will be participating in a Primary debate vying to replace outgoing assembly member Micah Kellner. The Primary Election will be held on September 9th.
Sponsors: Citizens Union, Our Town and Lenox Hill Neighborhood House. Candidates:
  • Gus Christensen
  • Ed Hartzog
  • David Menegon
  • Rebecca Seawright.
WHERE: Lenox Hill Neighborhood House, 331 East 70th Street, between First and Second Avenues.

WHEN: Monday, August 11, 2014 from 6:30-8:30PM
The event is free and open to the public however space is limited. Please RSVP to or call 212-227-0342 x 39.
The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) hosted a Meet The 76 AD Democratic Party Candidates Town Forum on August 5.

The Candidate Town Hall Meeting began with RIRA Governance Committee Chair Sharon Pope and RIRA VP Sherrie Helstien introducing the format for the evening to a standing room only audience at the Good Shepherd Community Center.

followed by an opening statement from Gus Christensen,

Ed Hartzog,

David Menegon

and Rebecca Seawright.

After the Candidates Opening statements came question from the Roosevelt Island audience regarding affordable housing,

Roosevelt Island Governance,

what distinguished each candidate

and more. Will upload video from the rest of the Roosevelt Island 76 AD Democratic Party Candidates Town Hall later as an update.