Wednesday, December 31, 2014

First Phase Of Goldwater Hospital Demolition Completed, Second Phase Continuing For New Roosevelt Island Cornell Tech Campus

Here's the latest

Image Of Cornell NYC Tech Demolition Of Goldwater Hospital December 30 

on the demolition of Roosevelt Island's

Image Of Cornell NYC Tech Demolition Of Goldwater Hospital December 30

Goldwater Hospital

Image Of Cornell NYC Tech Demolition Of Goldwater Hospital December 30

to make way

Image Of Cornell NYC Tech Demolition Of Goldwater Hospital December 30

for the new Cornell Tech campus.

Image Of Cornell NYC Tech Demolition Of Goldwater Hospital December 30

According to the latest Cornell NYC Tech Roosevelt Island construction update:
December 19 - January 2 Look Ahead

Phase I of the demolition project is now complete. All building foundations have been removed and backfilled. The team has been working to level the entire Phase I parcel before shifting their focus to the south of the Goldwater site.

Work continues in Phase II. Structural demolition of Building J, the southernmost building, continues and is approximately 50% complete. Preparatory work on Building E is underway with façade demolition expected to start in the coming weeks.

The ductbank operation continues along the west roadway. Much of the installation takes place within the current fence line, although there are locations where work must take place in the roadway.

And just a reminder that Cornell Tech has a community space at Gallery RIVAA, 527 Main Street, with office hours on Wednesdays and Fridays from 10:00 am to 12:00 pm and 1:00 pm to 4:00 pm. Please stop by and learn about our campus.

There are also of course wonderful art exhibits at Gallery RIVAA. From January 3rd to January 18th Paul Calendrillo New York Presents Out with the Old in with the Few, 14 Artists to Follow in 2015. The Opening Reception is January 6th from 6:00 pm to 9:00 pm at the gallery. Paul Calendrillo New York will move his 14 artists from Chelsea “to a show celebrating all of New York and all of its greatness.” The artists represented come from Tokyo, Cuba, Scotland, Wales, Argentina, Mexico, California and of course New York.