Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Roosevelt Island Bridge Helix Ramp Repair Plan - RIOC To Close Bridge From 11 PM - 6 AM But Insure Access For Emergency Vehicles Through The Motorgate Garage During Helix Repair Work

Repair of the The Roosevelt Island Bridge Helix Ramp

was discussed during the February 9 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Operations Advisory Committee meeting (full audio web cast of meeting here).

RIOC Director of Engineering Jim Mortimer (speaking by phone) told the Operations Advisory Committee that the repair work was being re-bid due to previous bid withdrawal by contractor.

Mr. Mortimer added that the repair work on top of the ramp would be done at night from 11 PM to 6 AM requiring the closing of the ramp during those hours. Work beneath the ramp would be done during the day and would not disrupt traffic.

RIOC Director Michael Shinozaki  expressed concern regarding emergency vehicle access to Roosevelt Island during the late night closure of the Helix ramp. Mr. Shinozak said that provisions need to be made to insure emergency vehicle access to Roosevelt Island by weaving through the Motorgate Garage.

RIOC President Charlene Indelicato agreed on the importance of maintaining emergency vehicle access to Roosevelt Island during the Helix repair.

RIOC has approved $2.5 million for the Helix repair (Page 4).

No date has been set yet for the start of work repairing the Helix.