Attention Roosevelt Island Democrats - Primary Election Day September 10 For Democratic Party District Leaders Part 76 And Judicial Delegates
Tomorrow, September 10, is Primary Election Day. On Roosevelt Island, only the Democratic Party is holding a primary election.
The Democratic Party primary election being held tomorrow for eligible Roosevelt Island voters is to elect Male and Female District 76 Part A Leaders
and 76 Assembly Member Judicial Delegates.
Mike Dillon is one of the candidates running for Male District 76 Part A Leader. He sent the following statement and flyer to the Roosevelt Island community.
Have you ever heard of a District Leader?This is not an endorsement but intended for informational purposes only. I have not received information from any of the other candidates.
On Thursday, September 10th, for the first time in decades, you'll be asked to vote for District Leader, and I want you to vote for me, Mike Dillon.
District Leader is an unpaid party position within the local Democratic Party that you might not be familiar with. It's the person you can reach out to if you have questions about local candidates or elections. It's someone who represents Roosevelt Island to the New York County Democratic Party.
I'm an active member in the community and within the Democratic Party. For the last several years, I've been a board member of the East Sixties Neighborhood Association, and last year, I was a member of the Participatory Budgeting Committee for Roosevelt Island. I currently serve as the President of the Four Freedoms Democratic Club, the largest and most active Democratic Club in our assembly district.
I know I will be a great District Leader, but you don't have to take my word for it; In addition to being endorsed by a number of local community and political leaders, I've been endorsed by our Assemblywoman, Rebecca Seawright.
On Thursday, September 10th, I would deeply appreciate your vote. If you have any questions about me, what a District Leader does, the Four Freedoms Democratic Club, or anything else that’s happening in the neighborhood, feel free to give me a call at 646-616-7526 or send me an email at I've included a flyer on the other candidates endorsed by the club, I hope you'll consider supporting them as well.
Thank you for your support,
Roosevelt Island polling locations are at PS/IS 217 (645 Main Street) for all eligible voters except Octagon residents who vote at Coler Hospital (900 Main Street).
UPDATE 10:20 PM - Barbara Rudder is one of the candidates for Female District Leader. During tonight's Roosevelt Island Residents Association Public Session (RIRA), RIRA Common Council member Ellen Polivy thanked Ms. Rudder for her assistance securing an anonymous $150 thousand donation to the FDR Hope Memorial.
Here's what Ms Polivy said.
Ms. Polivy adds:
Dear Neighbor,UPDATE 9/15 - John Halebian and Jill Eisner won the election for Male and Female Democratic Party District Leaders Part 76 A respectively.
On Thursday, September 10, from 6:00 a.m. to 9:00 pm, please join us in voting for our friend Barbara Rudder as our Democratic District Leader. This is a volunteer position that serves as a link between our neighborhood and our elected officials.
We are voting for Barbara Rudder because she is a strong advocate and a proven successful worker for our neighborhood, the Upper East Side and Roosevelt Island.
Barbara Rudder has been endorsed by our Assemblywoman Rebecca Seawright.
Barbara Rudder has served on our Community Board 8 for the last seven years:
Co-chair of the Health, Seniors and Social Services Committee, fighting to keep senior centers open, active and fully funded.
Co-chair of the Parks Committee, fighting for open green space and redevelopment of the East River Esplanade.
Assisted district and community leaders’ efforts in securing the release of vital grant funding for the FDR Hope Memorial Project of the Roosevelt Island Disabled Association.
Active member of the Second Avenue Subway Task Force fighting for a unique Second Avenue corridor.
Organizing a Quality of Life Symposium to ensure responsible development of our community.
Co-chair of the Rockefeller University Task Force ensuring a positive outcome for the East River Esplanade redevelopment.
Barbara Rudder is a founding member of Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney’s East River Esplanade Task Force.
Please join us in voting for our friend Barbara Rudder for Democratic District Leader on Thursday, September 10th.
Thank you.
Lorraine Altman, resident since 1989 - Dolores Green, resident since 1997
Marilyn Atkins, resident since 1977 - Judith Quintana, resident since 1975
Nancy Brown, resident since 1976 - Gloria Narduzzo, resident since 1979
Irene Clark, resident since 1995 - Manuela Ocampo, resident since 1989
Hope Dietsch, resident since 1984 - Rebecca Ocampo, resident since 1989
Georganna Galateau, resident since 1976 - Ellen Polivy, resident since 2004
Frank Gibbs, resident since 1975 - Linda Warren, resident since 1989
Candidate Barbara Rudder writes:
On Thursday, I lost in an election for Democratic District Leader, although I won on Roosevelt Island. I want to thank all of Roosevelt Island for their friendship and support. It is very apparent to me that your small island, made up of such passionate, knowledgeable residents, has the muscle and fight to affect great change. Although I am disappointed with the results of the election, I plan on working with you to help solve the issues that affect Roosevelt Island and the Upper East Side.