Friday, November 20, 2015

Roosevelt Island Seniors Association Holiday Bazaar Saturday & Sunday December 5 & 6 - Shopping, Food, Raffle, Vendor Tables Available Too - Also Learn About Roosevelt Island Senior Center Programs And Activities

The Roosevelt Island Seniors Association (RISA) reports:

RISA Annual Holiday Bazaar on

Saturday & Sunday
December 5th & 6th
10:00AM- 5:00PM
546 Main St
(senior center)

Holiday Shopping Early
Great food….Raffles….

Tables: $25 for 1 day
$30 for 2 days
(racks $5 each)

Contact RISA Board members at Roosevelt Island Senior Center, 546 Main St. From 10am-12pm,Monday- Friday or email

THE RISA board would also like to thanks everyone who participated in the Fresh Food For Seniors program. It was a great success and we are looking forward to starting it up again next June!
Roosevelt Island Seniors Center Director Rema Townsend described some of their activities and programs during this October 14 presentation to the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Pubic Purpose Funds (PPF) Committee seeking funds for their exercise programs.

The RIRA PPF Committee recommended a grant of $15 thousand to the Roosevelt Island Senior Center.