Sunday, February 2, 2020

2 Roosevelt Island Girl Scouts Selected To Be On Food Network Girl Scout Cookie Championship TV Show With Host Alyson Hannigan - Congrats To Victoria Gorain Appearing February 3 And Persya Perez Appearing February 17

We recently learned that two local Roosevelt Island Girl Scouts were featured to represent the Girl Scout movement on millions of Girl Scout Cookie boxes.

But there's more. According to Roosevelt Island Girl Scout Troop 3001 Leader Aiesha Eleusizov:
Two girls from our RI Troop 3001 will be on the Food Network Girl Scout Cookie Championship series in February!!

The series runs every Monday at 8 pm on Food Network starting next Monday, February 3. Pretty awesome, huh?

The two girls are Persya Perez (one of the girls selected to be on the Cookie Box). The other girl is Victoria Gorain

Food Network put out a casting call for Girl Scouts to be on the show. New York City Girl Scouts that sold over 500 boxes of cookies last year were invited to audition. Girls had to submit a short video talking about what Girl Scouts means to them. Short-listed girls were then interviewed and then they selected girls for the taping.

We are pretty excited!
Proud Roosevelt Island Girl Scout Mom Yitza Martinez reports::
I received an email about the opportunity and asked my daughter Persya if she would be interested in trying out for it. At first she hesitated because she doesn't like auditioning. Her knowing that many girls would be applying for the job made her feel like she wouldn't have a chance at it. I convinced her to do it and whatever happened happened. She had to submit a photo of herself along with a 30 second video of what she liked about being a girl scout.

We didn't hear anything back right away. What felt like months of waiting, was actually 4 days. Yes! We got a message. It was an invite to an interview via Skype. We didn't have Skype so I hurried and made the account and learned to use it just in time for the video call. I feel comfortable saying she (Persya) did great on her interview. A few days later we received an email confirming dates. She did it!!! She has been chosen as one of the girls to be on the show. We later found out that another girl scout from our troop 3001 was also selected for a different episode. Yay!! Victoria Gorain. Congratulations to you!!

Persya says:
I feel so excited, my first time on a TV show that a lot of people watch. (And it will be on one of my favorite channels The Food Network, I enjoy watching the cooking contests). My family, friends and supporters get to watch the show and can say I know that girl. The show Girl Scout Cookie Championship will be on every Monday at 8pm for the month of February on the Food Network channel. I hope you all watch!
Roosevelt Island Girl Scout Victoria Gorain says:
I am so honored to be on GS Cookie Championship and I'm happy to share my experience with others.

What I liked best:

I love Alyson Hannigan and I am a big fan! That was incredible. My dad and I took photos with her.

The set was really interesting. I had never seen a real TV set before. It was great how everything was decorated with GS cookies!

I liked interacting with the contestants. They were really nice and really invested in baking

I love acting and have been in 3 Main Street Theatre & Dance Alliance productions. It was amazing to audition for a real part and get it! It has inspired me to continue looking for other opportunities.
Ms Eleusizov adds:
We were told that Victoria will be on the February 3 show and Persya will be on the February 17 show.
Congrats to our local Roosevelt Island Girl Scout celebrities Victoria and Persya.

Here's Today Show interview with Food Network Girl Scout Cookie Championship host Alyson Hannigan.