Roosevelt Island Meat Lovers Rejoice, Wholesome Macelleria High End Butcher Shop Opening Mid February In Long Empty Rivercross Main Street Location
Details are few, but it is confirmed that an Italian butcher shop will open in mid February at 503 Main Street in the Rivercross building.
In July 2016, Main Street Retail Master Leaseholder Hudson Related announced that Cafe Eleanor, a Panini Bar with beer and wine license would open in the long empty space. On several occasions these last 4 years, we were told Cafe Eleanor was soon opening but it never did. The Cafe Eleanor owner also owns the Wholesome Food Factory Organic Market and Island Wines on Main Street.
A Tipster reported this past weekend:
Any update on the butcher opening? It’s specifically supposed to be a “high end” butcher, whatever that is. Where the “panini bar” was supposed to be?
They are especially interested in pre-prepared items.
Looks like they’ve got all the display cases in there and other furniture was being delivered.
Yesterday, I asked Hudson Related's David Kramer if:
Cafe Eleanor is going to be a “High End Butcher Shop” and that opening is imminent.
Has there been a change in the use of the space for what was Cafe Eleanor? Any update or info?
A Hudson Related spokesperson replied:
The owners of Cafe Eleanor have changed concepts due to the pandemic and the restrains of indoor dining. With the restaurant industry's uncertainty, they have opted to change the use to an essential business.
It will be an Italian Butcher Shop selling high quality meats. No prepared foods. No seating.
Wholesome Macelleria is the name of the new Italian Butcher store.
A tentative opening date has been set for mid-February
Will update when more info becomes available.