Friday, January 18, 2008

Roosevelt Islander Loves the Green Bay Packers and Brett Favre!

Sunday's NFC championship game between the Giants and Packers is football the way it should be played - in The Frozen Tundra of Green Bay's Lambeau Field. If we're really lucky the temperature will be below zero, the vapor from players breath will be visible, it will be snowing with players sliding all over the field and Brett Favre will make some incredible play for the Packers to beat the Giants and go to the Super Bowl.

Also, every Green Bay Packer fan should watch this video from Once in a Lifetime Fan, an Australian Packer fan visiting Lambeau field and following the Packers with his family during this season. Even non-Packer Football fans can vicariously enjoy the experiences of this fan.

And let's not forget the Ice Bowl Game of 1967 between the Packers and Cowboys. Here is a video that features the last play of the game, a quarterback sneak by Bart Starr behind Jerry Kramer and Ken Bowman to win the game. The video features the young photographer who got the picture of that incredible play.

Here is direct link to video from WFRV.

Finally, remember this scene from There's Something About Mary of Ben Stiller's character pronouncing Brett Favre's name as Brett "Fah-vrer".

You Tube video link of We Love Brett Favre is here.

UPDATE - 1/24 - I have just gotten over the fact that the Packers lost and the Giants are going to the Super Bowl. Despite the fact that I think the better team lost, I congratulate the Giants and wish them well against the Patriots. If momentum means anything in the Super Bowl after a 2 week layoff then the Giants certainly have a shot, particularly if Brady is hurt.
The Packers lost because they had no running game on Sunday and Brett had an off day. From the very beginning of the game he did not look like he was having any fun as he did during the Seattle snow game. Anyway, I still love the Green Bay Packers and Brett Favre. They had a wonderful season and I thank them very much for their efforts. Looking forward to next year!

Now the good news - only 21 days until New York Yankee pitchers and catchers report to spring training on February 14. Play ball.

You Tube video link of New York Yankee memories here.