Roosevelt Island Book Club
I received the following request from a reader about to move to Roosevelt Island:
My husband and I are moving to Roosevelt Island in a few weeks.To which I responded:
In order to get to know other residents, I wish to join a Book Club.
If you can direct me to the appropriate contact, I would appreciate it.
Welcome to Roosevelt Island.Any thoughts for our new neighbor?
The Roosevelt Island branch of the NY Public Library has a book club. The current book they are reading is The Lovely Bones by Alice Sebold. Hope that helps. There may be others but I am not aware of any. I will post about this topic and maybe other groups will respond.
Thanks for reading the blog and please feel free to contribute any thoughts or comments you think relevant.
Good Luck with your move!
Image is not of reader but of blogger CK at MarketingProfs Daily Fix on way to Book Club. Such dedication.