Monday, October 6, 2008

Constituent Office Hours With State Senator Jose Serrano Tomorrow and Eastwood Submetering Town Hall Meeting October 16

I received the following message from State Senator Jose Serrano's office:
Constituent Hours Tomorrow: Senator José M. Serrano will host drop-in Constituent Service Hours at the RIOC Office, 591 Main Street, TOMORROW Tuesday, October 7th from 3 to 7 p.m. We look forward to meeting you! Office hours are hosted monthly, on the first Tuesday of every month (though it will be Wednesday the 5th in November!) to make our staff more accessible to Roosevelt Island residents.

Sub-Metering Town Hall: On Thursday, October 16th from 7 to 9 p.m. the Eastwood Residents Association will host a town hall for Eastwood residents to discuss Electric Sub-Metering. The town hall will take place at the Church of the Good Shepherd in the upper room. If you have questions or concerns about sub-metering this is your chance to learn more and ask questions.

Save the Date: There will be a Transportation Town Hall on Tuesday, October 21st hosted by Senator Serrano, the Manhattan Borough President Scott Stringer, fellow local elected officials as well as the Department of Urban Affairs and Planning at Hunter College. Hunter College is currently completing an in-depth Access Study for Senator Serrano's Office and we are pleased to be able to involve Hunter College in this town hall. Stay tuned for more details!
According to his web site, Senator Serrano has provided $5000 each to the Roosevelt Island Residents Association and Roosevelt Island Seniors Association during the 2008-09 Appropriations Fiscal Year.