Thursday, July 30, 2009

Did You See This Yellow Bike? It Was Stolen From Roosevelt Island Subway Bike Rack

This Is The Stolen Yellow Bicycle

Received the following message from a Roosevelt Island resident who had the bicycle pictured above stolen from the Roosevelt Island Subway Bike Rack.
Last Tuesday at 9 AM I locked my bicycle in the bike rack near the
subway station, as I usually do every day. Around 7:30 PM, when I
returned, I found only a broken chain on the floor. I communicated the PSD about the situation right away (I heard that this is not the first case). Well, the stolen bicycle is a yellow folding one and it was almost new (I bought it 3 months ago). If you see somebody riding a bike like the one in the pictures, please tell a police officer.

P.S.: I'm living in here since last April, and when I was searching
for an apartment, the rental agent told me that the zip code 10044 is
the safest in NYC :-(

Broken Bike Chain Found on Floor