Can We Get The Roosevelt Island Motorgate Parking Garage To Accept Electronic Payment By Credit Or Debit Cards? Farmers Market Too
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A reader sent in the following good idea concerning the Roosevelt Island Motorgate Parking Garage:
I recently parked at the garage and there is no sign posted that they do not accept credit cards. Not even on the entrance. I have never gone to a parking garage that did not accept credit cards. The only place to get cash out is Gristedes. I would like to see the garage accept credit cards...maybe you can help!The Motorgate Garage is owned by a partnership between RIOC (61%) and Roosevelt Island Associates (39%), the owners of Manhattan Park. There are 1989 parking spaces. In 2005 RIOC, through the real estate firm of Jones Lang Lasalle issued a Request For Proposals for Motorgate but nothing ever came of it.
Parking Rates For the Motorgate Garage are listed at the RIOC web site.
I asked RIOC President Steve Shane to comment and will advise as soon as I hear back.
Also, in addition to the Motorgate Garage entering the modern era with the acceptance of debit or credit cards, how about the Roosevelt Island Farmers Market accepting electonic payments as well?