Thursday, June 10, 2010

Roosevelt Island Family Reads 2000 Books A Year - Summer Reading Kickoff Celebration Begins Today At The Library

Nice article in today New York Daily News about a home schooled Roosevelt Island Family that reads alot of books at our local Roosevelt Island Library. From the Daily News:
Parents trying to raise young readers should take a page out of this family's book.

The Doyle kids from Roosevelt Island devour some 2,000 books a year, making them one of the New York Public Library's most bookish broods.

"I just find reading fun," said Erin Doyle, 12. "And I like all types of books...
Today, the Roosevelt Island Library is having it's Summer Reading Kickoff Celebration:
Come to the Roosevelt Island Branch library to register for Summer Reading 2010 - and join us for a day of celebration!
Throughout the day, come in to register for the Summer Reading Club - sign up online, create your Summer Reading Avatar, and start earning your badges!
There will be door prizes and raffles throughout the day, as well as prizes for signing up.
Scheduled Events:
10:30 a.m. - Wii Gaming
1:00 p.m. - Wiffle Ball
2:00 p.m. - Cake and Juice
3:00 p.m. - New York City Story Time for ages 5 to 12
3:30 p.m. - NYC Book Bingo!
The NY Daily News also reports that top readers in the NY Public Library's Summer Program will be honored on the field at Yankee Stadium later this year.

As to the future of the Roosevelt Island Library, Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Island Services Committee Chair Aaron Hamburger previously reported:
RI Public Library improvements
ISC met with representative of RICLA (Janet Falk & Lorraine Lasker) to discuss what and how to improve the services of our RI branch New York Public Library (NYPL). We developed a priority list of needs. The highest priority need is to relocate the Library to a substantially larger and more suitable space. Other high priority needs are to provide a bathroom, make the Library more accessible to the disabled (including automatic opening doors), more outlets for computers and other electronic equipment, and a meeting room for public gatherings, lectures, book group events, and showing of films. We will continue to expand the “needs” list.

We are encouraged by a report from RIOC (at the Real Estate Committee meeting) that NYPL is very interested in 504 Main as a future site for the Library. Personnel from the NYPL Capital Fund group inspected 504 Main last week. Also, relocating the Library to Southtown Bldg. #7 may be back in play if Bldg. #7 construction begins by early 2011.