Security Cameras For Roosevelt Island's Streets - They'll Be Watching You!
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp. (RIOC) President Steve Shane's June 3 report included the following (Item 5d):
Security Cameras: The cables are in the process of being pulled to enable establishing a street security camera system. Expect it to be operational by mid summer.I inquired of Mr. Shane:
Your last RIOC column indicated that a street security camera system was to be in place for Roosevelt Island by mid-summer.Mr. Shane replied:
Can you provide any additional details as to why RIOC finds this necessary to do and what, if any precautions are being undertaken to insure that privacy rights of citizens are being respected.
For instance, who will be monitoring the cameras, what type of training do they have and how long will the security footage be stored. Are the same protocols and training as established by NYPD being followed
Also, if security cameras are being installed, why not post the live feed on the RIOC web site?
The subject of street cameras for security purposes was discussed at a RIOC Board meeting. The privacy rights of individuals on the public thoroughfares of RI should not be an issue. The necessity is one of public security in an era of increasing density, pressure on budget and the recommendations of those who are trained in these matters. The cameras will be monitored in Public Safety.Interesting article in NY Times on street security cameras that asks the question if the Big Apple has become the Big Eyeball.
I refer you to Chief Guerra for answers to training and storage. This is not an entertainment medium, so live feeds on the RIOC website do not seem to be appropriate. At a later stage, perhaps for a view of the tennis courts or basketball courts to see whether there is availability, for instance, maybe.
... Cities — New York in particular, and Times Square most of all — used to be places to lose yourself in the thrilling anonymity of a crowd, to find yourself reflected in the eyes of strangers. Of course, no one really disappears now; we all leave a trace. But as urban legends go it remains a powerful one. It’s hard to adjust to the idea that cities — New York in particular, and Times Square most of all — are now places where unseen watchers can monitor your every move...and WPIX reports that everyone coming into NYC will be photographed by some sort of surveillance video.