Update On 30 New West Drive Parking Spots In Southtown - Does Roosevelt Island Need More Street Parking Or Should Cars Be Discouraged?
Received an update from RIOC concerning the new West Drive parking spots in Southtown . According to this RIOC Advisory:
RIOC is in the process of conducting a parking pilot project in the Riverwalk section of town. We have designated approximately 30 parking spaces on the West Drive. Streetline has installed sensors in each of the spaces designated along West Drive, which will enable residents who choose to download the application the ability to ascertain an available parking space. This program will also give the Public Safety Department the ability to detect if vehicles are parked in the spaces longer than the allotted amount of time. Meters will be installed shortly to begin this pilot project. Until then, we are extending a two hour parking courtesy to those interested in parking their vehicles in those designated parking spaces. The two hour parking courtesy will be strictly enforced by the Public Safety Department. Those wishing to park for more than two hours are encouraged to use the Motorgate Parking Garage. Another advisory will follow as soon as the meters are installed.The West Drive parking spots extend from the backs of 405 - 425 Main Street (pictured above) to 455 - 475 Main and
Thank you for your cooperation in this matter.
up to the Blackwell Turnaround.
RIOC has also installed new traffic signage at the Blackwell Turnaround instructing drivers approaching the Turnaround to stay left unless making a U-Turn and not to head south on the new one-way northbound West Channel Road.
Are these new parking spots good for Roosevelt Island and Southtown? As the comments to this post illustrate, there is a great difference of opinion among Roosevelt Island residents. For instance, readers opposed to the West Channel parking spots write:
... Those 30 spots are a very poor use of those areas. A long and beautiful vista is a high price to pay for 30 spots (and the ugly gaps for fire hydrants etc.) and more foot traffic to trample on public lawn and plantings. There are so much more space that can be used north of the steam station (across/south of the Fireman's Field) and all around the back of the hospital facing Queens.and:
I get the sense that people think they are entitled to parking spaces for their cars. Yes, we live in NYC and since when does it mean in this city that more buildings mean more offerings to park your car?and:
We are talking about changing something that used to be nice to just another street in NYC. Bring on the cars. Yeah! We can't have enough metal and steel littered all around.
RIOC's unilateral idea of changing half of the West Road south of the circle is an abomination.West Channel Parking supporters counter:
PSD has not been able to enforce parking restrictions on Main Street so probably will not do so on West Road.
The whole concept also calls into doubt any consideration of creating a nice promenade around the is-land for pedestrians and bicyclists (which would be a another tourist attraction).
The walk to/from the subway and tram stations has become like a walk on a Manhattan Street.
RIOC should lower the price of short time parking at Motorgate and simplify/enforce the short term street parking rules instead of putting vehicles all over the Island.
If this is not done it means
"Riverwalk Interests Overrule Community"
Actually the spaces are for short term parking. Sensors are being installed to make sure they are used for that. Also I read here that they want to lower the prices in motorgate to encourage parking there as well. The hardest thing for businesses is having no short term parking. Its a death sentence. Try inviting a family with a car for a bite to eat on RI. Try inviting anyone to this oasis for anything and the RI parking tax at the garage or lack of parking anywhere makes it impossible. You can have a family of 5 park somewhere else and pay a cab or take a subway but that adds 20 bucks either way. As a result you have a ghost town for shops in an already bad economy and current businesses threatened. Also lets remember it was changed to one way for safety reasons as the area near the subway was an accident waiting to happen.and:
Complain all you want. The extra short term parking is here to stay, so just deal with it. Remember, it's short term parking for loading, unloading or getting a bite to eat or something.and:
Plus, the spaces are not only for island residents but visitors who wish to patronize the businesses here.
nYC businesses haven't adapted to not having parking. They have millions of local people around them. RI is landlocked and apparently filled with anonymous people who are sure about everything but know very little. But you are right we should plant more trees and rollerskate to work and pay for life with unicorns and rainbows. The automobile was invented a long time ago. I suggest you get used to it. You live in shadow of the one of the largest power plants on planet earth and you are concerned with the automobile. Hilarious.This is not an issue of Roosevelt Island newcomers versus old timers or Riverwalk residents versus WIRE building residents. There are plenty of Riverwalk residents and newcomers to Roosevelt Island who are against this additional parking. It's more an issue between those who don't want to encourage the use of more cars on Roosevelt Island and those who do.
I think encouraging the use of cars on Roosevelt Island by adding 30 additional parking spots at Roosevelt Island's public transportation hub which is only steps from the subway and tram is ridiculous. The reasons advanced for the West Channel Parking don't hold up to scrutiny.
Short term parking to load and unload packages does not require 2 hours of parking nor do I think that Riverwalk businesses such as Duane Reade, Starbucks, Nonno's, Fuji East and the Riverwalk Bar & Grill will benefit from patrons driving to their stores enough to justify burdening the rest of us with their cars. Come on, how many people from outside of Roosevelt Island will really drive here to patronage these businesses? Don't think many will. I fear that this is just the first step in eventually allowing unlimited parking in Southtown which is favored by some Riverwalk car owners who don't like parking their cars in the Motorgate Garage.
The wireless parking sensors are a good idea but get rid of the West Channel parking and use the wireless parking technology for Main Street parking spots and the Motorgate Garage. Here's how the Streetline wireless parking system works
and prior posts on same topic.
UPDATE 12/7 - The Riverwalk buildings have a driveway cut out in front of their buildings for loading and unloading
Now that the Tram is back in service, when will the temporary parking priveleges for Tennis club patrons at the Southtown field opposite the Riverwalk Commons during the Tram outage be revoked. There is no reason why tennis club patrons should be given special parking status on Roosevelt Island - is there?