Friday, January 28, 2011

Report From RIOC President Leslie Torres - Stunning Roosevelt Island Winter, Efficient Snow Removal, Temporary Tram Service Pause, Projects Underway, In The Pipeline & Upcoming Events

 Image Of RIOC Crews Removing Snow From Street

RIOC President Lesie Torres sends the following report to Roosevelt Island residents.
 Re: RIOC President's Column

Date: 1/25/2011

Winter has been in full force this year but it has been simply stunning on Roosevelt Island. Our Grounds Crew and transportation workers have done an excellent job keeping the island running smoothly and safely. This season I have seen that when severe weather is well-managed, you have the privilege of enjoying nature, especially amidst beautiful views such as those on Roosevelt Island.

All this month, we have also been managing a trial period for Red Bus-Tram schedule coordination. With thorough communication and cooperation between our drivers, dispatch, residents, and administration we will create a system that serves the public’s needs efficiently and conveniently.

I appreciate all the residents that have presented their input in recent months and would like to thank the RIOC employees that have worked so hard to make this island an example of community responsiveness.

Thank you everyone and stay safe.

Projects Underway:

Good Shepherd Chapel Flooring Repair – In the Chapel’s multipurpose area and the offices, including the back office, removal of existing tile has been completed and an RFP has been published for solicitation of a contractor to install the new flooring finish.

Good Shepherd Chapel HVAC Installation – Work continues on installation of the new HVAC System. The new system is expected to be completed by the end of April 2011.

Motorgate Parking Garage Refurbishing – Parking spots that were closed during construction have been open back up for use. On the 7th floor, the steel fence has been removed and the area is expected to be available for parking approximately 2 weeks from this Saturday, January 29th.

Z-Brick Resetting – Weather permitting, repair of low spots and trip hazards will continue.

Projects in the Pipeline:

Tram Service Pause – The Aerial Tramway temporarily suspended service on January 18th. Tram crew has analyzed the situation to find that the antennae on the Tramway towers that monitor the tension of the track cables had their insulation breached by the built-up ice. This resulted in an interrupted signal which prompted the safety mechanism to shut the system down and return the cabins to their stations. Tram crew has since reinforced the antennae’s insulation and multiple tests have confirmed that the problem will not reoccur. In case of service changes, Tram riders are notified on the digital screens located at both
Tram stations. Service changes are also communicated through the RIOC website,, RIOC's facebook page, RIOCNY, and RIOC email advisories. We encourage everyone to subscribe to RIOC email advisories by following the link on the RIOC homepage, http://

Red Bus Schedule Changes – The trial period for RIOC’s new coordinated Tram and Bus schedules continues through January. Please consult the RIOC website,, for an up-to-date Red Bus schedule as well as a Tram schedule. Also, please send all suggestions and comments to or to help us work together as a community to create the best transportation system possible.

Events, Recreation, & Community:

Field Permits for Spring – Permits for Roosevelt Island field use for the spring season beginning April 1st are now being accepted, so get your applications in early. Roosevelt Island residents receive steep discounts. Relevant forms and information can be found on the RIOC website’s “Doing Business With Us” tab.

Graffiti Removal – On Saturday, January 15, 2011, at 8:39 PM, the Public Safety Department apprehended three individuals in possession of paint and markers who claimed responsibility for 25% of the graffiti in Motorgate parking garage. This result can be attributed to increased Public Safety patrols of the Motorgate area based on resident reports. The individuals were charged with Criminal Mischief, Graffiti, and Possession of Graffiti Instruments. With the help of the Public Safety Department, the Grounds Crew will continue to remove all graffiti island-wide. We encourage everyone to report any incidents of graffiti directly to Public Safety at (212) 832-4545 to ensure immediate removal.

Grandparents Safety Day – On Tuesday, February 22nd, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm, Public Safety is co-sponsoring Grandparents Safety Day along with Safe Kids NYC. The event will take place at the Senior Center located at 546 Main Street.

Roosevelt Island Film Gallery at Sportspark – The Roosevelt Island Film Gallery is located at the east and west lobbies of Sportspark and it consists of film posters for movies shot on or depicting the island. Approximately 50 posters are currently displayed, including the 1935 movie “Blackwell’s Island,” starring John Garfield. Anyone who can name a movie or television show which should be included in the showcase should please email Michael Smith at

Sportspark Table Tennis Tournament – On Sunday, February 5th, we will have our first table tennis qualifying tournament at Sportspark. There will be beginner, intermediate, and advanced categories and the format is round-robin. The results from this tournament will decide the players who advance and compete in the finals, the tournament at the upcoming Health and Fitness Day for which trophies are awarded.
A version of the RIOC President's column also appears on RIOC's web site and the January 29, 2011 Main Street WIRE.