No Elevator Service Available at 63rd/Lexington Ave F Train Station Platform and No Roosevelt Island F Train Subway Service To Manhattan This Weekend
I noticed the elevator at the Lexington/63rd Street F Train downtown station platform was out of service yesterday. A flyer taped to the wall next to the elevator door indicated that the elevator will be out of service until May 13.
However, according to the MTA's Elevator and Escalator Status page, service on the Lexington/63rd Atreet F Train platform elevator will not be restored until May 17 (Click on image below to Enlarge):
Upon realizing that there was no elevator service at the Station, this gentleman was not very happy.
Although many of the Roosevelt Island residents who use this station can easily exit the Lexington/63rd Street Station via the escalators and stairs, there will be some of our neighbors who are disabled, elderly or traveling with strollers who will not be able to use the Station as long as the elevator is out of service.
Also, the MTA reports no Manhattan bound F train service from Roosevelt Island this weekend starting at 12:01 AM Saturday to 5 AM Monday May 14 - 16.