Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Roosevelt Island Protest For Democracy Demonstration Today At NY Governor Andrew Cuomo's Manhattan Office From 11 AM to 1 PM - Tell RIOC Board What You Think During Public Session of Directors Meeting at 5:30 PM

Image From RIRA (Click on image to Enlarge)

According to the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA):
Join your neighbors and friends at the Governor’s Manhattan office. Remind our Governor that the U.S. Constitution imparts the right to live in democracy to all citizens of the U.S., and that our forefathers died to protect democratic principles, not make the world safe for Public Benefit Corporations and government by appointment!

The protest will on Wednesday, June 29, from 11 am to 1 pm. We will be across the street from the Governor's office, at 633 3rd Ave. Watch this website and the kiosks for updates.
Starting at 11 AM until 1 PM, join your Roosevelt Island friends and neighbors in this protest demonstration for Democracy. If you work in midtown, come by during your lunch hour - 3rd Avenue and 41 Street.

Later today (5:30 PM), the RIOC Board of Directors are meeting at the Manhattan Park Community Center (8 River Road). There is an opportunity for the Public to speak up on any topic you wish, including the recent RIOC Board Appointment, in a Public Session prior to the start of the meeting but you have to sign up here first in order to be allowed to speak.

This should be a very interesting meeting.

Information on the reasons for the Roosevelt Island Democracy Protest available from previous posts.

UPDATE 6/30 - Approximately 30 to 40 people attended the Roosevelt Island Democracy Rally in front of Governor Cuomo's Manhattan office yesterday between 11 AM - 1 PM.

Here are some scenes.

A NY Times reporter covered the protest demonstration as well.


fuller said...

Has anyone asked Fererra if he would consider moving to the neighborhood and/or giving up his post at the school durin his term on the RIOC board?

SML said...

At the same time that I don't object to Ferrara's appointment, I agree it would be even better if he lived here.

Anonymous said...

I went to the meeting tonight to see what all the hoopla was about. What I saw were the RIRA representatives demonstrating their ignorance. They were rude, and disrespectful. And, for what? To prove a point that they did not like the Governor's appointment. At the end of the day, it was too bad for them. Mr. Ferrera did not step down - nor should he.

But, what most concerned me were the comments made by the other Board Members. They showed how unprofessional they are. They basically showed their true colors. They are the ones that should resign. I am ashamed to say that I voted for them.

Grow up and deal with it. Six of the Board Members still live on the island. Don't piss the Governor off or you'll all be replaced.

unbelievable said...

Too late. These people still fail to realize RIOC is a pubic benefit Corp for the state of new York.

Do you think the mta is ran on total independence? Um no.

Get real. This island is ran to make the state money and nothing more.

Let the drama go, it ain't worth it, trust me.

Anonymous said...

It is great that effectiveness really makes these commenters squirm. Now that it is in the NYTIMES, a member of Congress and every elected more have shown outrage at this, these commenters who comment day and night and use the same name over are getting scared. They are saying the island should all be like David Kraut and be quiet. Over a thousand people elected these board members. That's a lot of people and no matter how many comments your write it doesn't come close to a member of congress. So keep using the same names over and over again on this blog. You are not fooling anyone. We are not rolling over like David Kraut.

Yet another RIer shaking his head said...

e3, you are funny. Nobody's squirming here. We are rather happy how you and your colleagues are acting in public. It proves our points quite nicely. Also, the protest made it into the City Room *blog*. It's a bit of a success but really, nothing to be super proud of.

You seem to have some beef with Mr. Kraut. Would you like to get more into this a bit? We are here to listen.

Anonymous said...

Sure... some want to jump on Mr. Krout because he wasn't "voted" on in a RIRA run election. But, 15 years ago, some of us who have been here that long, know he was the President of RIRA and was appointed to the RIOC Board.

The difference is, Mr. Krout knew how to separate his different hats and has served nobly. These other former RIRA members, who are now on the RIOC Board, do not. They're still the same old RIRA folk with the same old RIRA mentality.

You guys took an oath to serve the ENTIRE Roosevelt Island community - not just the loony loud members of RIRA. Please conduct yourselves with more professionalism or RESIGN YOUR OWN POSITIONS.

Anonymous said...

are there any black people on the rira ?