Roosevelt Island Protest For Democracy Demonstration Today At NY Governor Andrew Cuomo's Manhattan Office From 11 AM to 1 PM - Tell RIOC Board What You Think During Public Session of Directors Meeting at 5:30 PM
According to the Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA):
Join your neighbors and friends at the Governor’s Manhattan office. Remind our Governor that the U.S. Constitution imparts the right to live in democracy to all citizens of the U.S., and that our forefathers died to protect democratic principles, not make the world safe for Public Benefit Corporations and government by appointment!Starting at 11 AM until 1 PM, join your Roosevelt Island friends and neighbors in this protest demonstration for Democracy. If you work in midtown, come by during your lunch hour - 3rd Avenue and 41 Street.
The protest will on Wednesday, June 29, from 11 am to 1 pm. We will be across the street from the Governor's office, at 633 3rd Ave. Watch this website and the kiosks for updates.
Later today (5:30 PM), the RIOC Board of Directors are meeting at the Manhattan Park Community Center (8 River Road). There is an opportunity for the Public to speak up on any topic you wish, including the recent RIOC Board Appointment, in a Public Session prior to the start of the meeting but you have to sign up here first in order to be allowed to speak.
This should be a very interesting meeting.
Information on the reasons for the Roosevelt Island Democracy Protest available from previous posts.
UPDATE 6/30 - Approximately 30 to 40 people attended the Roosevelt Island Democracy Rally in front of Governor Cuomo's Manhattan office yesterday between 11 AM - 1 PM.
Here are some scenes.
A NY Times reporter covered the protest demonstration as well.