Friday, July 1, 2011

Roosevelt Island Resident Believes Newly Appointed RIOC Board Director Is Wrong Candidate But Not For Reasons Stated By RIRA - Criticizes Some For Hypocrisy and Double Standards

Roosevelt Island Residents Assocition (RIRA) Planning Committee Chair and former President Frank Farance shares his thoughts regarding the recent Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board appointment:

I believe Dr. Salvatore Ferrera is not the right candidate for the RIOC Board, but not for the reasoning stated by RIRA.

To paraphrase Prince, RIRA protests as if it were 1997. The Governor has appointed Dr. Ferrera and we're all in a tiz over no democracy, back door deals, lack of transparency, non resident appointments, colonial rule, and so on. Even the Yankee Doodle parodies sung at the protest are the same, except Pataki is replaced with Cuomo. We have not learned from our mistakes, and keep making them. At least three areas come to mind.

Mistake #1: We Suffer Our Own Hypocrisy and Double Standards

We say we want the Governor to use our RIOC nominee election process, except that we don't want to have elections so our "in" people can have longer terms as directors. Mr. Kalkin opposed RIOC elections last fall, but now he wants differently. We complain about democracy, but we residents don't follow democratic principles ourselves. We complain about campaign contributions to Brooklyn politicians, yet RIOC Board members hold campaign fundraisers in their apartments for our politicians. We complain about the lack of process in Dr. Ferrera's appointment, but RIRA's Government Relations Chair was just "elected" outside RIRA's process. We complain about back-room deals, except when we do the same thing for legislation forwarded on behalf of the residents. We complain about Dr. Ferrera's conflicts of interest, yet we don't see our own conflicts for resident RIOC board regarding privatization.

Nine months ago Maple Tree Group (MTG), the Island's so-called leaders for democracy held secret and exclusive meetings, and excluded members from voting and chose to skip RIOC Board elections for 2010. Afterward, the exclusivity was rationalized by "even if you disagreed, you wouldn't affect the vote" -- certainly not the principles of transparent and informed decision-making. MTG's process and decision was unconscionable. As an entity that promoted "democracy", they wanted elections after terms expired. Who in the world holds elections after terms expired? MTG wanted their "in" directors to continue, future directors would suffer shorter terms, and they geared their process to favor some directors over others.

Their rationale was that the present directors needed to get more experience, i.e., the directors wouldn't really have a full 4 years. When it was pointed out that future terms (2014, 2016, 2018, etc.) with these delayed elections would have these same problems of expired directors with no candidates ready, they said that the next term (e.g., 2016 and 2018 elections) would be shorter for those candidates. In other words, for the present directors a shorter term was unacceptable so they could get more experience, but for the next set of directors a shorter term with less experience is OK. This is why it seemed that MTG was all about keeping the present set of directors. They said there wasn't enough time in 2010, but there was enough time in 2009 to have RIOC director nominee elections in the same time frame.

At the September 2010 RIRA Common Council meeting, members asked: What is the plan if the Governor wants to appoint someone? They said: if it's Fay Christian's or Jonathan Kalkin's seat, then we'll ask for them to be reappointed; if it's David Kraut's seat, then we'll ask for someone else. There were good number of people in the room who didn't like David Kraut, so this seemed acceptable to them -- certainly not a transparent process, not a fair process, not a democratic process.

Although it might have been possible to have 2010 elections, Matt Katz and other MTG members boycotted the elections. In other words, RIRA could have an election, but all the key volunteers refused to participate, thus dooming the 2010 elections.

MTG put forward Take-All-The-Marbles legislation for all RIOC directors to be residents; and they gave the Governor a Poke-In-The-Eye wanting three candidates for new RIOC Presidents (the Governor vetoed the legislation). Meanwhile, resident board members fired the RIOC President (over privatization issues for resident members' buildings), and resident board members did not stand up for their stated principles and accepted Leslie Torres as the sole candidate.

Mistake #2: We Haven't Incorporated What We've Learned

We're still talking colonialism and democracy. We have democratically elected officials. Because of the financing of Roosevelt Island, we're not going to be an incorporated village, we will likely remain a public benefit corporation. We understood this ten years ago, but we don't convey this to the residents and we still use the same rhetoric of "democracy".

Our RIOC board just wrote a letter to the Governor complaining of Dr. Ferrera's appointment (think: the Supreme Court writes to the President complaining of his nominee). Our RIOC board fired the RIOC President. Resident board members now are participating in these "democracy" demonstrations. Do they think this will cause the Governor to want to reappoint them and consider the Island's elected nominees, or will this cause the Governor to ignore our preferences. I'm guessing the latter.

Mistake #3: We Can't Believe Non-Residents Can Help Our Island

The Governor vetoed last summer's legislation for good reason. We don't understand that the State, the Governor, and the Executive Branch all have substantial interests in Roosevelt Island. We don't respect their interests, we don't believe a non-resident can help. An executive will tell you that outsiders can provide necessary expertise, but we just don't listen: only residents will do.

The Governor can appoint a non-resident. I don't understand why we are getting so upset over this.

We (the Island) should focus on How To Best Implement Law for RIOC Directors. The rhetoric should be: our director nominee election process is the best way to mechanize the selection of candidates for resident RIOC directors.
The issue regarding the RIRA and the Maple Tree Group's (MTG) decision not to hold RIOC Nominee elections last year was reported on in this September 14, 2011 post. Here's an excerpt:
Over the past four months, MTG has been compiling and assessing information about RIOC Board election dates, appointment dates, tenure durations, and term-expiration dates, in order to arrive at what seems the most appropriate timing for the next RIOC election. The following is a presentation of the results of our deliberations, the rationales underlying our conclusions, and the pros and cons of the choices....

... 1. Our first conclusion was that RIOC elections must be held in conjunction with RIRA elections, which are themselves held in conjunction with the even-year November federal and state elections. The rationale for these conjunctions is obvious: the turnout for the other elections optimizes the turnout for our local elections, and thereby optimizes the validity, for the community, of the voters' choices. Our vote was unanimous for this conclusion....
In order to understand better the reasons for delaying the RIOC Board nominee election and before reaching any conclusions on this issue, I would suggest reading the full post.

Also, Mr. Farance sent a letter to Governor Cuomo regarding the new RIOC Board appointment which is included in post earlier in the week as is the letter from the RIOC Board which Mr. Farance criticizes.


Anonymous said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

that was quite a personal attack and will not be allowed to remain on the blog.

If you disagree with the thoughts expressed, do so, but please don't make personal attacks - particularly anonymously.

Anonymous said...

That was a well written expose of the reality of what happened here. I agree with the 3 mistakes, but, I still didn't see why Mr. Ferrera was not the right candidate for a Board Seat.

I think we, as a community, should just move on. Take it for what it is all worth. Learn from the mistakes dipicted in the piece and most of all, encourage Mr. Ferrera to work for the betterment of this community.

fuller said...

Yeah, what's with all the anonymous posters? Just use your real name. Who cares?

Frank, thanks for the insight. As a relative outsider, your first point really helps me put this whole thing in context. Until now I could only see two explanations for why Kalkin's term ended and RIRA had no resident replacement ready for his seat -- either RIRA seriously dropped the ball, or they were intentionally not replacing him out of some personal bias. After reading your thoughts, I'm no longer in a quandry.

Yet another RIer shaking his head said...

I agree 100% with Frank. I really cannot add anything else.

Oh, and fuller... my Google account handle is just as anonymous or not as yours. The only time you can really be sure who is saying what is over a beer at the Bar & Grill (or Trellis if that's your thing).

fuller said...

True. My name is Chris Fuller, and yes it's really me.

fuller said...

... and no, Trellis is definitely not my thing.

Anonymous said...

Frank Farance is taking advantage of the situation by lying as much as possible to make this look differently.

Having the elections early, yes early because all the members of the board didn't have the same terms given to them, was pushed my Frank Farance for one reason and one reason only. So he could run again himself because he had been rejected for appointment by the Governors office himself and he was just about to get voted out in RIRA because the community realized what a mistake it was to elect him President. They wound up voting him out and this vote about elections went to the entire RIRA group (about 50) people from every single buildings voted in by their own buildings. Once again this is about him again and he totally leaves those major facts out. Not only was this voted fairly and openly, but it was voted while he was president. The intention was to have an election where a majority of the island would get a big turnout in 2012 because of the presidential elections. Sal got a favor in and got in and nothing was stopping that. Watch Frank try to run again and you will see his true colors. He will do anything he can to try to put himself in power. Don't be fooled.

fuller said...

Geez, that anonymous personal attack that got deleted must've been REAL bad.

Anonymous said...

more power to sal, stay dont go .rira are all cry babies the hell with all of them . they never have done one usefull thing on this island , the only good thing they did was give out donuts in the lobbies of southtown

Anonymous said...

Why is a person who the governor found not acceptable for appointment giving lectures how to gain his favor? Farance try passing the interview first and then get back to us. Unreal. Poster above is right, Frank is so out of it he thought he could get on the board so he tried to have elections early. Half the people left RIRA because he would scream at anyone who didnt agree with him. Then they voted him out. Twice rejected by this Island and the state and giving advice. No thanks.

Anonymous said...

Poster above is right about Frank. He was rejected by the Governor's Office for a position on the RIOC Board. However, he did win the RIRA Presidency (by vote) and does present some valid points in his argument.

I may not necessarily agree with everything he says or does, but I do know enough to agree with his points on this issue. RIRA & MTG did arrogantly drop the ball by attempting to extend the terms of the current RIOC Board Members. That tactic backfired and Jonathan Kalkin lost his expired seat.

Personally, I wish they would have replaced Fay Christian instead, but what are you going to do? She'll probably be replaced along with David Krout (although I do think he has done an outstanding job in the time he has served).

It is a shame for Jonathan - because he was good too, but he knew what RIRA & the MTG were trying to do, and he didn't cover his behind. So, now maybe RIRA (& the MTG) learn their lesson and do things the right way going forward. If you want a trnsparent government, you have to be transparent too. No more scheming please...

Helkatz said...

Apparently you didn't participate in the RIRA sponsored blood drive, the RIRA sponsored FREE Bagel & Coffee Bkfst on RI Day, the SkateRI on Health and Fitness Day, or the fabulously successful First Annual Cherry Blossom Festival, which netted in the end, over $9000 for Japan Relief.  Where WERE you?  Also, don't forget that it has been RIRA and the Maple Tree Group sub-Committee of our Government Relations Committee that has put on two extremely impeccable elections for the RIOC Board governor "nominees" (we can't figure out the right terminology, since it's not really a full fledged, unimpeded election, but rather a nomination of names process to hand to the Governor to APPOINT).  How long have you lived here and why aren't you pitching in instead of badmouthing your neighbors? 

Good Kitty said...

And what about the 3rd election?  The one that was supposed to have been held in 2010?  When it suits RIRA, they have elections, when it doesn't, they cancel them.  So much for democracy on RI.. 

And Ms. Feinmel in the tape of the meeting with Sen. Serrano and Rep. Kellner - apparently can't figure out that well yes the various Board members have different term expiration dates because no the Board is not some sort of Board of Representatives of an Incorporated Town.  RIOC is a Board of Directors - appointed people that are giving of their time and energy to oversee the development of an area of NYC.  Folks: The reality is if RI residents want input into services, development decisions, the pavement status, etc. once RIOC is finished in '68, they will have to go through the same process to have their voices heard as any other neighborhood of NYC.  If Ms. Feinmel, MTG, or RIRA don't agree they can petition the Mayor's office to have RI separated from the City of NY to become its own Incorporated Town. (Good luck with that !) 

Or how about going for the complete catastrophe - secession not just  from the City of New York but from the United States!

Imagine, RI could have its own national anthem, currency, and even foreign policy!  This way, no US governmental entity on the City, State, or Federal level , could ever interfere with the direct "democracy" RIRA envisions - that is of course when it decides to have -- instead of cancel -- elections.