Thursday, June 30, 2011

Controversial New Appointed Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Director Tells NY Times Had He Known Of Community Opposition That Would Result, He Never Would Have Accepted Position - Respectfully, You Know Now, Please Resign!

Roosevelt Island Democracy Protest Rally Image From Francine Lange

The Roosevelt Island Democracy protest demonstration in front of Governor Andrew Cuomo's office yesterday has succeeded in at least one very important area - publicity from the NY Times who sent a reporter to cover the protesting Roosevelt Islanders.

 Roosevelt Island Democracy Protest Rally Image From Francine Lange

Reporting on the recent stealth appointment of non-resident, non-elected, conflict ridden Child School Executive Director Sal Ferrera to the Roosevelt Island Board of Directors by the NY State Senate and Governor Cuomo, the NY Times reporter obtained this quote from Mr. Ferrera:
...“If I knew this was going to happen, I would not have taken the position, but at this point, I’m not going to withdraw,” he said. “No one told me this would be like going into a tempest.”...
... Reached for comment, a spokesman for the governor said the appointment was made at the recommendation of State Senator Dean Skelos, the Republican majority leader. Mr. Skelos’s office did not return calls for comment on Wednesday evening.

Gov. Cuomo’s spokesman said, “The administration is committed to true and fair representation of the Roosevelt Island community.”...
Upon reading Mr. Ferrera's comment in the NY Times article, I sent the following inquiry to Mr. Ferrera:
In NY Times article describing your appointment to the RIOC Board, you state"

...“If I knew this was going to happen, I would not have taken the position, but at this point, I’m not going to withdraw,” he said. “No one told me this would be like going into a tempest....”

I understand that this has been a difficult time for you as well, but now that you know the community's reaction, particularly after tonight's RIOC Board meeting, can you please explain why you don't resign now and spare everyone in the Roosevelt Island Community, including yourself, the additional anguish, hurt and distraction caused by your appointment to the RIOC Board.

Any response would be greatly appreciated by me and the Roosevelt Island community.

Thank you.
So, what happened at this evening's RIOC Board meeting, Mr Ferrera's first as a Board Director? It began with a Public Session in which Roosevelt Island residents expressed their strongly held objections to Mr. Ferrera's appointment and replacement of Jonathan Kalkin as RIOC Director.

Judy Berdy Speaking At RIOC Board Meeting Public Session

Ellen Polivy Speaking at RIOC Board Meeting Public Session

RIRA President Matt Katz Speaking At RIOC Board Meeting Public Session

Bill Long Speaking at RIOC Board Meeting Public Session

Also, during the Public Session, Roosevelt Island Congresswoman Carolyn Maloney's representative Brice Peyre read the following statement for Ms. Maloney
I am greatly dismayed by the Governor’s recent actions regarding the composition of the Board of Directors of the Roosevelt Island Operating Corporation (RIOC). 

By removing from the RIOC Board a Roosevelt Island resident chosen in a fair and impartial manner by other Roosevelt Islanders and replacing him with an unelected non-Islander, the Governor has performed a great disservice to the thousands of New Yorkers who live on Roosevelt Island. 

Roosevelt Islanders engaged in a hard-fought, painstaking effort over a long period of time to secure some measure of greater self-governance.  In recent years, these efforts finally bore fruit in the form of democratically held elections conducted by the Roosevelt Island Residents Association, elections whose results were respected by previous Governors, who appointed the leading vote-getters to the RIOC Board of Directors.

It is extremely unfortunate that that process now seems to have been reversed.  I urge Governor Cuomo to honor the expressed wishes of Roosevelt Island residents in future elections by choosing their preferences for service on the RIOC Board.
The RIOC Directors then proceeded with the regular course of business for their June Board meeting but added an additional item at the end of the Agenda to address the question of Mr. Ferrera's appointment and replacement of Mr. Kalkin.

Here's what happened.

Mr. Ferrera, please resign. You acknowledge in your statement to the NY Times that had you known of the hard feelings and opposition your appointment would generate that you would never have accepted it. Don't double down on a mistake and hang tough. Move on with the business of the Child School and leave the RIOC Board of Directors to others - unless of course you are willing to run in the next election.

Governor Cuomo, please return Mr. Kalkin to the RIOC Board of Directors and let Roosevelt Island move forward!!!

UPDATE 11:20 PM - The Albany Times Union Capital Confidential Blog covered the Roosevelt Island Democracy Protest too:
... Katz alleged there would be a conflict of interest since the Child School leases space from RIOC. Ferrara said he would recuse himself from any matter involving the school, and didn’t see any conflict.

A Cuomo spokesman had not immediate comment on the protests or the appointment. Ferrara said he sent a letter of interest and a resume to Senate Republicans. He was confirmed on June 15, along party lines.

“I just thought we needed to slow things down and figure out what happened,” said Sen. Jose Serrano, a Bronx Democrat whose district includes the island. “My hope is to have some conversation going with the governor’s office. We want to move toward self-governance for the island, and at least have a say in who constitutes the RIOC board.”...