Friday, May 11, 2012

Roosevelt Island Westview Building Owner Gives Notice Of Intention To Leave NY State Mitchell Lama Program - Anticipates Negotiating Affordable Purchase Plan With Building Tenants But Market Rate Rentals Remain Option

 As reported in previous post:
... It looks like Roosevelt Island's Island House is about to exit the NY State Mitchell Lama program under an affordability plan agreed to by the Owner (David Hirschhorn), Residents and NY State....
under terms described here.

Now, the owners of Roosevelt Island other Mitchell Lama rental building, Westview, have given notice of their intent to leave the Mitchell Lama program. According to the Westview Task Force (WTF), the Westview owners anticipate negotiating an affordability plan with the WTF over the next few months and will submit an affordability plan to the tenants, Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) and NY State agencies within the next 30 days.

Below is WTF communication to building tenants.

According to Westview Owner David Hirschorn's notice of intent letter  to withdraw from Mitchell Lama program (Page 1):

The owner's notice of intent letter is below.

Mr. Hirschhorn is also an owner of Island House.

On other Westview matters, The Westview Task Force April 2012 Tenant Newsletter reports no response from Westview Building Management to a request for:
... justification and rectification of the estimated 20 vacant apartments. Also an explanation on why "internal apartment transfers" have been frozen....