Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Task Force To Hear Presentation Tonight By Cornell University On New NYC Applied Sciences & Engineering School - Question Raised On Why New Task Force and Not Land Use Or Roosevelt Island Committee Doing Review

Community Planning Board 8 Roosevelt Island Task Force will be meeting tonight for a presentation by Cornell University regarding the new Applied Sciences and Engineering school to be built on the Goldwater Hospital campus. According to  CPB 8:

Roosevelt Island Task Force

Meeting Date: 
Tuesday, May 8, 2012 - 6:30pm
Meeting Location: 
Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Roosevelt Island
546 Main Street, Auditorium
New York, NY
  1. A presentation by Cornell University on the Technology Graduate School on Roosevelt Island
Nicholas D. Viest and James Clynes, Co-Chairs
The meeting will be at Good Shepherd Community Center at 543 Main Street not 546 as indicated in the CPB 8 notice.

The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) May 2 Common Council meeting discussed the CPB 8 Cornell Task Force. A 14 year member of CPB 8, Sharon Pope, expressed concern that:
  • the normal process for evaluating real estate projects was not being followed by CPB 8,
  • a special CPB 8 task force was being formed to review the Cornell proposal instead of the Roosevelt Island or Land Use Committee,
  • the rushed, fast track process and 
  • none of the Roosevelt Island residents on CPB 8 were chairing the Cornell Task Force, though Roosevelt Island residents are on the Cornell Task Force.
Here's the full discussion.

You Tube Video On Roosevelt Island CPB8 Cornell Task Force Meeting

Also, more on Cornell NYC Tech plans for the Roosevelt Island school.

You Tube Video of Cornell NYC Tech