Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Task Force To Hear Presentation Tonight By Cornell University On New NYC Applied Sciences & Engineering School - Question Raised On Why New Task Force and Not Land Use Or Roosevelt Island Committee Doing Review
Community Planning Board 8 Roosevelt Island Task Force will be meeting tonight for a presentation by Cornell University regarding the new Applied Sciences and Engineering school to be built on the Goldwater Hospital campus. According to CPB 8:
The meeting will be at Good Shepherd Community Center at 543 Main Street not 546 as indicated in the CPB 8 notice.Roosevelt Island Task Force
Meeting Date:Tuesday, May 8, 2012 - 6:30pmMeeting Location:Chapel of the Good Shepherd, Roosevelt Island
546 Main Street, AuditoriumNew York, NYNicholas D. Viest and James Clynes, Co-Chairs
- A presentation by Cornell University on the Technology Graduate School on Roosevelt Island
The Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) May 2 Common Council meeting discussed the CPB 8 Cornell Task Force. A 14 year member of CPB 8, Sharon Pope, expressed concern that:
- the normal process for evaluating real estate projects was not being followed by CPB 8,
- a special CPB 8 task force was being formed to review the Cornell proposal instead of the Roosevelt Island or Land Use Committee,
- the rushed, fast track process and
- none of the Roosevelt Island residents on CPB 8 were chairing the Cornell Task Force, though Roosevelt Island residents are on the Cornell Task Force.
Also, more on Cornell NYC Tech plans for the Roosevelt Island school.