Friday, November 1, 2024

Is Someone In Your Life Planning To Vote For Trump Or Thinking About It, Please Ask Them To Watch These Videos From Jimmy Kimmel And Anthony Scaramucci, It May Change Their Vote - Roosevelt Island Early Voting This Saturday & Sunday, Election Day Tuesday

Please share the video of late night TV host Jimmy Kimmel's October 29 monologue with any undecided or Trump voters you may know, particularly if they live in one of the 2024 Presidential election battleground states.

According to Jimmy Kimmel:

Tonight’s monologue is for Republicans. If you have someone in your life who is either planning to vote for Trump or thinking about it, please send this to them. Ask a Republican you love and respect to watch this. The whole thing. As a personal favor to you. We are a week away from the election so make sure to get out and vote on Tuesday, November 5th.

Former Trump supporter and Trump White House Communications Director Anthony Scaramucci adds:

As of 6 PM tonight, 1606 Roosevelt Island early votes have been cast at RIVAA Gallery (527 Main Street). Saturday and Sunday are the last 2 days of early voting from 8 AM to 5 PM.
Election Day is Tuesday November 5.

If you lived in New York, just moved to Roosevelt Island and were a registered voter, you can come to the RIVAA Gallery during early voting or at PS/IS 217 on election day to re- register with your new Roosevelt Island address and cast your ballot.