Roosevelt Island July 17 Afternoon Exposure Arrest At Blackwell Park, Burglary At Roosevelt Landing And June Roosevelt Island Monthly Public Safety Blotter
On Wednesday, July 18, I sent the following inquiry to Roosevelt Island Public Safety Director Keith Guerra:
The 7/17 -18 daily Public Safety Report indicates:and followed up with Mr. Guerra on Friday, July 20:
Exposure of a Person - PSD arrested the subjectPlease provide information as to where the incident occurred, what time of day, what were the ages of the subject and victim and any other information that the Roosevelt Island community should be made aware of regarding this incident.
Also, was this incident related to any of the previous Exposure incidents occurring on Roosevelt Island recently.
Thank you.
The 7/19 -20 Public Safety report indicates:Here are the details that RIOC's Press Spokesperson said could be provided to the public regarding these incidents:
Burglary - The victim reported burglary that happened in past. NYPD on scene. PSD detectives notified.Please provide additional information regarding when and where the incident took place, what was stolen and any other relevant information.
Also, I am following up on the email below requesting information on 7/17 - 18 arrest for exposure.
Thank you.
The burglary took place at 546 Main Street. The victim arrived at PSD on 7/19/12 at 11:40 a.m. to report the incident, but first noticed that there had been a burglary upon returning home the night before (7/18). There were no injuries.Also, the Roosevelt Island June 2012 Monthly Public Safety blotter is below.
With regard to the exposure of a person, the incident took place on 7/17/12 at 3:17 p.m. at 500 Main Street (Blackwell Park). No injuries there either.
Roosevelt Island 2012 Monthly Public Safety statistics through June are here.