October 17 Dedication Of Roosevelt Island Kahn/FDR Four Freedoms Park Memorial, Here's What Happened - President Clinton Always Wanted To Come To Roosevelt Island After Reading Linda Fairstein Novel The Deadhouse
Reported yesterday on Scenes from the Roosevelt Island Kahn/FDR Four Freedoms Park Memorial Dedication Ceremony.
Here's video of the entire ceremony
Following the Ceremony, President Clinton was surrounded by people wishing to talk, touch or just be in his presence. It was quite a spectacle
Some Roosevelt Island residents managed to get their pictures taken with President Clinton including Dr. Jack Resnick talking health care,
and Photo Blogger Olya Turcihin (Olya's Urban Journal).
I managed to offer to take President Clinton on a tour of Roosevelt Island which he politely declined and then told him about the FDR Hope Memorial.
President Clinton explained that he always wanted to visit Roosevelt Island after reading Linda Fairstein's novel The Deadhouse. Ms. Fairstein is standing at President Clinton's left as we spoke.