Monday, November 12, 2012

Cornell NYC Tech October 22 Presentation To Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Cornell Technion Task Force - Next Meeting November 26

Cornell NYC Tech Proposed Campus (page 23 CB 8 Presentation)

Below is video from the October 22 presentation by representatives of Cornell NYC Tech to Community Board 8's Roosevelt Island Cornell Technion Task Force.

The meeting began with an
  • overview from Cornell NYC Tech Vice President Cathy Dove, 
  • followed by Director of Capital Projects & Planning Andrew Winters discussing the overall vision of the campus,
  • Skidmore Owings Associate Director Colin Koop discusses the Master Plan For The Cornell NYC Tech Campus,
  • Morphosis Architect Scott Lee discusses plans for first Cornell NYC Tech Academic Building,
  • Fried Frank Attorney Melanie Myers discusses zoning and Land Use issues for Roosevelt Island Cornell NYC Tech project and
  • Review of Environmental Impact Statement (EIS)

Then came questions and answers from the audience

(Part 2 of the Q and A)

and a discussion by Community Board 8 Roosevelt Island Cornell Technion Task Force members with the Cornell representatives.

Cornell will be updating the CB 8 Roosevelt Island Cornell Technion Task Force on November 26. Come ask questions and learn the latest plans for the project.

Here is PDF File of Cornell NYC Tech Presentation to October 22 CB 8 meeting.