What Type Of Training Should Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Receive - Is Tiered Level Of Training An Answer?
During November 3 Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Meet The RIRA/RIOC Candidate Forum, a question was asked by a resident concerning the training of Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Public Safety Department Officers, particularly as it applies to traffic direction. RIOC Director Margie Smith stated that the Public Safety Officers do receive some training in traffic direction but that the whole Public Safety training issue needs to be looked at again and differently by the RIOC Board.
Ms. Smith suggested that consideration should be given to a restructuring of the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department to include a small number of NYPD type officers trained at the Police Academy, a second tier of officers trained almost as well as the NYPD type officers and a third tier of officers who can get the "cat out of the tree" or provide escorts from the Motorgate Garage.
Ms. Smith added that she asked NYPD to do an analysis of the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department which they had agreed to do but were unable to due to a lack of manpower.
Newly elected RIOC Board Director Nominee Larry Parnes agreed with Ms. Smith and newly elected RIRA Vice President Jeff Escobar noted that RIRA should advocate for the structure suggested by Ms. Smith as well.
Here's the discussion of the issue.