Wednesday, February 13, 2013

RIOC To Issue RFP For Independent Audit of Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department Practices In Wake Of Brutality Allegations

Roosevelt Island Residents Association (RIRA) Common Council Member Mark Lyon reports:

On 2/11, in a short 30 minute meeting, the Audit Committee met and instructed the corporation to issue an RFP for an internal audit of the Public Safety Department.
During yesterday's Audit Committee Meeting, RIOC Director Margie Smith reported a past conversation several years ago with a New York City Hall official who upon learning about the structure of the RIOC Public Safety Department remarked:
... That's crazy, they should be under the NYPD...
Ms. Smith explained that a meeting was subsequently arranged between the City Hall Official, herself and a NYPD representative to see if NYPD would review the structure and operation of the Roosevelt Island Public Safety Department but the answer that came back from NYPD was: 
... we can't do anything for you ... we don't have resources, time or inclination...
RIOC Director Howard Polivy added that the Manhattan District Attorney's office could not provide any oversight either.

The RIOC Public Safety Department audit is in addition to current investigations being conducted by the NY State Inspector General's Office and NY State Attorney General's Office into brutality allegations brought against RIOC's Public Safety Department.

The internal RIOC audit would be conducted by an independent outside vendor selected from those responding to a Request for Proposals. According to Mr. Polivy, the Public Safety Auditor would assist in refining the mission of the Public Safety Department and its capability of carrying out the mission in a:
... way the Corporation is well served and the public is well served....
RIOC Director David Kraut asked for a:
... standard under which Public Safety can be judged...
Ms. Smith reported that she was told by Public Safety Director Keith Guerra that civilian complaints are much lower on Roosevelt Island than elsewhere in NYC though Ms. Smith noted that might be because people are reluctant to make complaints:
... because they don't know who to go to to complain...
and Ms. Smith said she was surprised that more people were not stopping her on the street to talk about this issue as they would for other issues such as moving a Red Bus stop.

Here the audio web cast of the 2/11 Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Audit Committee meeting.