Monday, April 29, 2013

Roosevelt Island's PS/IS 217 Arts And Enrichment Classes In Danger Of Ending Next Year, PTA Holds Silent Auction To Raise Necessary Funds - Can Cornell NYC Tech Help Roosevelt Island School Kids?

The Roosevelt Island PS/IS 217 PTA held a silent auction,


and bake sale

last Saturday to raise needed funds for the school's arts and enrichment programs.

I spoke to 217 PTA President Dawn Price who explained the fundraising:
 ... goal is to raise $10 Thousand ... for enrichment programs...
and 217 Grants Officer Kim Brown added:
...  a few years ago.... we lost our art teacher, all our after school programs so the PTA has to raise money for most of the enrichment that goes on at the school... anything that really makes the kids want to go to school, we have to fund ourselves so this is one way we're doing it by having this auction...

... as of right now, it looks like we likely will not have any kind of art program in the school next year because we're fundraising for it and we are way behind we just don't have the money to keep this program going ...

... all the enrichment programs that keep the kids excited and keeps the parents wanting to send their kids to this school can only be funded if people from the Island pitch in so any amount $5 or $10 is so welcome and goes directly to the school. It makes the Island a better place and keeps families coming to this school.
Here's more from PS/IS 217 PTA's Ms. Price and Ms. Brown.

Click here if you would like to help the students at Roosevelt Island's PS/IS 217.

More information about the school including statistics, budget and grades is available from the NYC Department of Education (DOE). PS/IS 217 received a 2011 -2012 Progress Report of D from the DOE.

In December 2011, Roosevelt Island Southtown Riverwalk developer David Kramer of the Hudson Company and PS 217 Principal Mandana Beckman spoke to some parents about the school. Here's what they had to say.

Tomorrow, the NY City Council will be holding a final Public Hearing on the Roosevelt Island Cornell NYC Tech project. Will Cornell be providing any much needed assistance to Roosevelt Island's PS/IS 217?

In a December 2011 letter to Community Board 8, Cornell Vice President Cathy Dove stated:
... We are willing to work with all age groups of children on Roosevelt Island, although we plan to focus our efforts on students who are in middle school as this is a pivotal time to interest them in the STEM (science, technology, engineering and math) fields. Our interaction will involve direct student interaction, support for teachers, and family engagement. We have initiated discussions with, and look forward to continuing to work closely with PS/IS 217 to determine the specific programs that will be most useful to make that school a model in STEM education. Re: timing, while significant programming requires faculty and graduate student involvement, in advance of having significant numbers of those resources we will be partnering with several NYC institutions who have demonstrated expertise in K-12 programming. We would be happy to have the next planning meeting with PS/IS 217 within the next 90 days to begin more detailed planning....
Roosevelt Island's PS/IS 217 needs help. Where will it come from?