Report From Acting RIOC President Don Lewis - Roosevelt Island FDR Four Freedoms Park Hours Expanded, Steel Boat Sculpture Renovation, Lighthouse Park Reopens But Still Damaged, New RIOC President & More
Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Acting President Don Lewis sends the following report to Roosevelt Island residents.
FDR Four Freedoms Park UpdateMr. Lewis is continuing as Acting RIOC President until Charlene Indelicato takes over the permanent position of RIOC President in mid May.
We are pleased to advise that April 24 marked the start of expanded spring/summer hours at Four Freedoms Park, which is now open six days a week from 9:00 am to 7:00 pm and closed on Tuesdays. The Four Freedoms Park Conservancy has recently hired a new Director of Visitor Experience and a new Park Operations Manager to supervise an expanded staff of Park Rangers who will interact with visitors, answer questions and conduct tours. The Conservancy is also seeking volunteers to be trained as Greeters to supplement staff and enhance visitors’ experience. For the latest updates on this wonderful park, or to become involved, visit
Steel Boat Sculpture Renovation
Extensive restoration work on the Steel Boat Sculpture (the “Boat Prow”) was completed last month. After the Boat Prow’s deteriorated steel panels were removed, RIOC’s Engineering Department determined that the sculpture’s structural framing had been irreparably damaged by seawater exposure. Contractors have replaced the entire structural framing and the renovated Boat Prow was reopened to the public on April 19.
Motorgate Turnaround Pedestrian Ramps
We are aware that due to recent renovations, there is a need for pedestrian ramps at the Motorgate Bus Turnaround, with curb cuts between the new entrance to Gristede’s and the Helix ramp. We intend to issue a Request for Proposals to complete this work, which will make Gristedes and the Post Office more accessible for seniors and disabled residents and visitors.
Lighthouse Park
As we previously noted in this column, the Lighthouse Park has been recently re-opened after it suffered extensive damage as a result of Hurricane Sandy. We, unfortunately, still need to keep the southernmost part of the Park closed due to two timber footbridges that were washed away during the storm. We look forward to opening this portion of the Park as well and have issued a Request for Proposals to restore the bridges.
iDig2Learn Earth Day Event
Last month’s iDig2learn Earth Day event was a huge success. Families helped to beautify the Island by planting flowers around Gristede’s, and children expressed their creativity through arts and craft projects that can still be viewed inside the atrium of the Motorgate Parking Garage. We would like to thank Island resident Christina Delfico for spearheading this great event, as well all participants, volunteers and sponsors.
Potholes Repaired
Contractors working with RIOC’s Engineering Department have recently finished repairing over 100 potholes on the Island roads. While the work spanned the length of the Island, we encourage you to inform us if you notice any remaining potholes that need repair. You can let us know through SeeClickFix at and also through the iPhone, Android and Blackberry SeeClickFix apps, which can be downloaded at
Final Column and Welcome Charlene Indelicato
This is my final column as Acting CEO and President of RIOC. It has been an honor to serve in this role for the last seven months. My sincere gratitude goes to the terrific RIOC team for their continued commitment and tremendous efforts during this time to ensure that the Island continues to be a wonderful place for residents and visitors. I welcome our new CEO and President, Charlene Indelicato, who brings with her a distinguished track record of public service. I look forward to working with Ms. Indelicato, and continuing to work with the RIOC Board and staff, to make the Island the best place it can be.