Sunday, April 28, 2013

Brazilian Drum Band Awesome For Some Runners But Not So Good For Roosevelt Island Resident At 10 AM On A Sunday Morning

The Roosevelt Island Twitterverse reported today:

Not everybody thought the Brazilian drum band was so awesome - particularly at 10 AM on a Sunday morning and continuing for 3 hours. Roosevelt Island resident Raye Schwartz expressed her unhappiness with the morning drum beating in this message she sent to Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Acting President Don Lewis and RIOC Dirctors.

From Ms. Schwartz:
Dear Mr. Lewis,

This morning I was trying to sleep in, as I was exhausted from an all day trip out of town yesterday, I was awakened around 10AM by the sound of parade drums beating loudly. I jumped out of bed and looked outside but there was no parade. Those drums kept beating continuously for almost 3 hours. At one point I called Public Safety. They said they had received other calls but that there was a permit issued by RIOC. It seems there was a permit for a celebration at the end of a 5K race.

I wonder who at RIOC issued this permit. Was this person aware of exactly what the celebration entailed and that drums beating so loud and continuously were involved? If so, that person was not very thorough. If yes, in allowing such an activity, that person was completely out of line.

Tell me sir, is the person who issued such a permit a resident here? I suspect not!

Please investigate who was responsible and be sure this does not happen again.

It's not that I don't love a parade or celebration, but I don't love three hours of continuous drum beating, nor do I appreciate being awakend by that sound. I'm certain that you or the person who is responsible would not love the ensuing headache that this has caused me or my neighbors.

One other thing...where, when or how were residents told this was going to happen? I did not receive a RIOC advisory about this nor have I seen any signs posted.
Ms. Schwartz is not exaggerating. I heard the drums from inside my apartment as well. The drums were part of a good cause, a 5K run/walk to benefit the Icla da Silva Foundation.
On April 28, 2013, The Icla da Silva Foundation’s 3rd annual 5K run/walk returns to the beautiful Roosevelt Island (NYC)! This great race is now called The MatchMaker 5K – a name that truly reflects the Foundation’s mission of finding bone marrow matches for patients with life-threatening conditions.

Whether you are a runner, walker or just want to bring your family and friends for a day in the sun, The Matchmaker 5K Run/Walk is a fun-filled activity for people of all ages. BatalaNYC, an all female AfroBrazilian Samba Reggae Drum band will be at the finish line to perform their lively rhythms for all to enjoy.

Read more about Don't Miss The Matchmaker 5K Run/Walk on Roosevelt Island on ...
Here's an example of what the BatalaNYC drum band sounded like this morning.

Batala NYC Promo from Willow O'Feral on Vimeo.

BatalaNYC is a very good drum band but probably should not be playing at 10 AM on a Sunday morning in a residential neighborhood.

RIOC did send this advisory out on last Friday:
A 10K will be held on Sunday, April 28th, 2013 at 10:00AM. Expect traffic delays around Goldwater Hospital and on the West Roadway up to 400 Main Street.

Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.


Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Advisories Group
Nothing about the drums in the RIOC Advisory.

UPDATE 4/30 Rebecca Bellush shares this photo

of the BatalaNYC Brazilian drummers.