Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp Reschedules May 23 Board Meeting To May 30 - Agenda Item Includes Amendment To Resolution Approving New RIOC President Charlene Indelicato

Reported on April 4:

The Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Board Of Directors today approved Governor Cuomo's selection of Charlene Indelicato (former Mount Vernon Commissioner of Planning and Development Department) as the new RIOC President/CEO. The vote was 5 for approval and 3 abstentions....
Ms Indelicato began her new position as RIOC President last week.

Ms Indelicato (seated on right) with RIOC Board Members and Staff At 5/15 Real Estate Comm Meeting

I noticed this Agenda Item on the schedule for the May 23 RIOC Board of Directors Meeting regarding Ms. Indelicato's appointment as RIOC President:
 6. Amendment of Resolution Appointing Charlene Indelicato to Position of President/Chief Executive Officer of the Corporation (Board Action Required)...
and yesterday sent the following inquiry to Ms. Indelicato and the RIOC Board Directors:
What is the reason for this amendment and what will the amended resolution say?
Have not received any response to the inquiry.

The full RIOC Board Agenda for May 23 meeting below:
5:30 P.M.


I. Call to Order
II. Roll Call
III. Approval of Minutes
1. April 4, 2013 Board Meeting (Board Action Required)
IV. Old Business
V. New Business
1. Authorization to Enter into Contract with Local 32BJ (Materials to Follow - Board Action Required)
2. Presentation of the FY 2012-2013 QTR 4 Procurement Report
3. Authorization to Enter into Contract with Gandhi Engineering, Inc. for the Engineering Design Services in
Connection with the Roosevelt Island Helix Ramp Rehabilitation Project (Board Action Required)
4. Authorization to Enter into Contract with KS Engineers, P.C. for the Structural Evaluation and Feasibility Study of
the Sportspark Facility (Board Action Required)
5. Ratification of Contract with Hill International, Inc. for Owner's Representative Services (Senior Project Manager)
(Board Action Required)
6. Amendment of Resolution Appointing Charlene Indelicato to Position of President/Chief Executive Officer of the
Corporation (Board Action Required)
7. President�s Report
8. Committee Reports
a. Audit Committee
b. Governance Committee
c. Operations Advisory Committee
d. Real Estate Development Advisory Committee
9. Public Safety Report
VI. Adjournment
Earlier today, RIOC rescheduled tomorrow's Board Meeting to next week:
PLEASE TAKE NOTICE that the Board of Directors meeting previously scheduled for Thursday, May 23, 2013 has been rescheduled and will be held on Thursday, May 30, 2013 at 5:30 p.m. at the Child School (Legacy High School) Auditorium, 566 Main Street, Roosevelt Island, New York.
Will update if an explanation is received regarding the amended resolution appointing Ms. Indelicato as RIOC President.

May 30 is also the meeting date for Manhattan Community Board 8's Roosevelt Island Committee.
Meeting Date:
Thursday, May 30, 2013 - 6:30pm
Meeting Location:
Manhattan Park
4 River Road, Community Room
Roosevelt Island, NY

Introduction of co-chairs and committee members.
Discussion of role of Community Board 8 and the formation and role of this committee
Review of recent island issues reviewed by CB 8 and its committees
(a) Cornell-Technion Project/Cornell-Technion Task force
(b) MTA Q102/ Transportation Committee
(c) Queensboro Bridge Bike Access/Transportation Committee
(d) CitiBank Bike Share Program/Transportation Committee
(e) Relocation of Goldwater Residents/Health, Seniors and Social Services Committee
Volunteers to be public member
Public Session – open discussion

Jeffrey Escobar and Laurence Parnes, Co-Chairs
It would be beneficial for RIOC and CB 8 to coordinate with each other to avoid such scheduling conflicts.