Thursday, March 27, 2014

Celebrate Women's History Month With 5 Phenomenal Roosevelt Island Women Honored By RI Women's Health Organization And NYC Council Member Ben Kallos

To celebrate Women's History Month, the Roosevelt Island Women's Health Organization (RIWHO) and New York City Council Member Ben Kallos honored 5 of our neighbors at RIWHO's monthly meeting yesterday.

 NYC Councilmember Kallos Honoring 5 Roosevelt Island Women At RIWHO Meeting

Here's the presentation of the Proclamation by Councilmember Kallos

and the text.
In celebration of Women’s History Month, Ben Kallos, Council Member of the 5th District, is proud to join the Roosevelt Island Women’s Health Care Organization in honoring a select group of women, our elders—Clarissa McCraley, Naomi Silverman, Ethel Romm, Rosalind Fernandez and Ena Shinnery—for inspiring us all with their character, commitment and courage; and

WHEREAS: Clarissa R. McCraley, 85, was born in Greenville, South Carolina, and raised by her aunt and uncle, she grew up on a farm with no running water and no electricity, but abundant with love. She has called Roosevelt Island home since 1975, making her one of our community’s pioneers. In addition to her own career in retail and health, she has excelled in her work as a generous volunteer. Over the years, she has fed the homeless at Good Shepard Church, led Bible Study groups, and worked at the island thrift store. She has also volunteered for the Red Cross, March of Dimes, Joint Disease Hospital, the Coler-Goldwater Specialty Hospital and at P.S./I.S. 217; and

WHEREAS: Naomi Silverman, 88, was born in Bay Ridge Brooklyn, and has been a proud resident of Roosevelt Island since 1977. She has been extremely active in a wide range of areas and remains so today. A few previous endeavors included owning a manufacturing woodwork firm and playing piano for a musical group. For the last 35 years, she has served as the dedicated coordinator of a poetry group. Today, she is an active member of the biblical study group Chavarah and also helps coordinates the Rivercross 5th Anniversary Party, a celebration with more than 600 attendees; and

WHEREAS: Ethel Romm, 89, was born in Massachusetts and grew up in New Hampshire. During World War II, when men were drafted and women were needed to build the planes and other machines, she was assigned to an Air Force Base where she supervised construction and building. Her unwavering commitment to learning led her to become CEO of her own construction and engineering company. Ms. Romm has now been a Roosevelt Island resident for more than 25 years and a member of Roosevelt Island Residents Association for more than 12. She also belongs to the Garden Club and continues to have an infectious enthusiasm for exercise, good nutrition and learning; and

WHEREAS: Rosalind Fernandez, 94, was born in Brooklyn and raised in Barbados. At 19, she returned the States and had a successful career in the insurance industry before retiring in 1982 to raise her granddaughter. Since 1976, she has been a champion for Roosevelt Island, whether working as a polling site coordinator, as a parishioner, or as a volunteer at Coler-Goldwater Hospital for the last 32 years. In recent years, she has new proud title: devoted great-grandmother; and

WHEREAS: Ena Shinnery, 94, was born in St. Thomas, U.S Virgin Islands, moved to New York in 1944, and has been a resident of Roosevelt Island since 1989. Prior to retirement, she worked in numerous jobs including 18 years in textiles. At her previous church, she excelled as a Sunday school teacher and Sunday school superintendent. Today, she continues to faithfully attend church on the island today and impresses all of the younger parishioners with her warmth and life experience; now, therefore

BE IT KNOWN: That Ben Kallos, Council Member of the 5th District, gratefully honors our Roosevelt Island Elders:

Clarissa McCraley, Naomi Silverman, Ethel Romm, Rosalind Fernandez and Ena Shinnery

for their extraordinary contributions to our community.

Signed this 26th day of March in the year Twenty Fourteen.
It was a wonderful event. RIWHO's Laila Amatullah hosted the proceedings which also included:
  • an excellent home health care presentation by Dr. Jack Resnick,
  • a letter of appreciation by Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Charlene Indelicato,
  • a greeting from RIOC Public Safety Director Jack McManus,
  • Councilmember Kallos reviewing constituent services available from his office,
  • a wellness talk
  • exercise advice from Ms. Romm and
  • a terrific recitation of Maya Angelou's poem Phenomenal Women by Ms. Amatullah.
There was also food, drink

good company

and a birthday celebration for Ms. Romm.

Here's video of the full Proclamation Ceremony.

Will have Dr. Resnick's Home Health Care presentation in a separate post soon.