Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Roosevelt Island PS/IS 217 PTA Silent Auction Raises Over $13 Thousand For School Enrichment Programs - Watch PS/IS 217 Third Graders Perform African Dance

The Roosevelt Island PS/IS 217 Parent Teachers Association (PTA) held their annual Spring Fling Silent Auction Fundraiser on March 15. According to the Roosevelt Island School G & T Blog (RIG&T):

Thank you to all the supporters of P.S./I.S. 217 who came to our 5th Annual Silent Auction! We raised over $13,000 for enrichment programs that benefit our children every day.
Image of PS/IS 217 PTA Silent Auction From RIG&T Blog

RIG&T shows some results of arts enrichment programs with these PS/IS 217 third graders performing an African dance earlier this month.

More info on Roosevelt Island's PS/IS 217 from the PTA, RIG&T, the school portal and previous posts.