When Will North End Of Lighthouse Park Be Open Asks Roosevelt Island Resident - RIOC Says End Of June
Jonathan Clements comments on the What's On Your Roosevelt Island Mind post:
Why is it -- a year and a half after Sandy -- that the north end of the island is still fenced off? Surely it can't be that replacing the small wooden bridges that were washed away is somehow insurmountable? During the summer, I love wandering through the park by the lighthouse because it feels like half the residents are there picnicking, playing and partying -- and yet a major chunk of the park still can't be used. Shouldn't somebody be embarrassed by the park's continued closure?
I asked Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) President Charlene Indelicato:
I have had several inquiries regarding the opening of northern most area of Lighthouse Park and the installation of the pedestrian Bridges.Ms. Indelicato replied:
When does RIOC anticipate the bridges to be installed and the full area of Lighthouse Park to open?
I believe that the work is to start on April 21st and completed by June 9th - of course , if we have another late snowstorm .....RIOC's Engineering Director James Mortimer clarifies:
At a meeting we held with the contractor, City and County Paving, back on March 28, 2014, , they indicated they would start at the end of April. The contract time is 60 days, which would put the completion at the end of June.The northern section of Lighthouse Park was damaged by Hurricane Sandy in October 2012
which washed away the bridges to the Lighthouse
Sandy's making herself felt already--there's normally a causeway between the lighthouse a @ Roosevelt Island http://t.co/HCQPjgGN
— Kate williams (@celticviola) October 29, 2012
Let's hope there is no more snow so work can begin soon and the northern part of Lighthouse Park opens by the end of June, if not sooner.