Roosevelt Island Mom And Daughter Team Compete In NPR Ask Me Another Shaquille O'Neal Word Pun Triva Quiz With Hannibal Buress
Roosevelt Island resident Janet Falk reports on her recent appearance at NPR"S Ask Me Another radio quiz show program. Ms Falk and her daughter Rebecca Rindler were tested on their knowledge
of NBA legend Shaquille O'Neil and word pun skills in a game called
Shaq To The Future
According to Ms. Falk:
One in 1,000The audio web cast of the show is here (starting at 6 minute mark)
My Moment of Fame on NPR
As a contestant on Ask Me Another, I joined an elite group of trivia-loving competitors.
I went head-to-head with my daughter Rebecca in a battle of the wits on my favorite radio show.
It was seven minutes of fame and butterflies-in-the-stomach-inducing glory in front of an audience of 200 envious bar patrons, each one wanting my place in the spotlight.
The activity was wordplay and involved Shaquille (Shaq) O'Neal.
How did I do?
Well enough that members of the audience cheered "Go, Janet!"
Listen to the segment starting at minute 6:00 -- or enjoy the entire show, which was broadcast on Saturday, April 11 at 3:00 pm in New York City.
Please let me know if you figure out one of the questions I did not get. It is easier when you're not in front of a microphone, of course.