Wednesday, November 21, 2012

RIOC Briefing On Roosevelt Island Hurricane Sandy Damage - Storm Surge Of 3 to 5 Feet Caused Significant Damage To Seawall, Lighthouse Park and Observation Pier, But No Injuries Or Loss Of Life

Roosevelt Island Operating Corp (RIOC) Vice President Of Operations Fernando Martinez (who resigned last Monday effective December 21) briefed the November 15 RIOC Operations Committee on Hurricane Sandy damage suffered by Roosevelt Island and response by RIOC. According to Mr. Martinez:
  • Hurricane Storm surge of 3- 5 feet caused significant flooding at Lighthouse Park and the Observation pier,
  • Lighthouse Park Land Pedestrian Bridge washed away and Light Poles damaged,
  • Significant damage to seawall at various location particularly Lighthouse Park,
  • 21 Trees Lost,
  • Steam Tunnel Flooded on North Side of Steam plant resulting in no heating at RIOC Facilities or Coler Hospital,
  • Coler Hospital basement completely flooded, RIOC provided fuel for Coler emergency generators,
  • Power was out at Octagon and portions of Rivercross and Roosevelt Landings/Eastwood,
  • People were walking around during Hurricane putting themselves and others in danger. A Public Safety Officer almost fell in the East River while warning people of the danger,
  • No damage at Goldwater Hospital or FDR Memorial,
  • No loss of life or injury on Roosevelt Island,
  • Lighthouse Park will be closed for an extended period of time - unknown for how long,
  • Cost of repairs estimated at a couple of hundred thousand dollars and mitigation of Observation Pier and Lighthouse Seawall of half a million dollars. These costs will be submitted to FEMA for reimbursement,
  • suggestion was made to explore adding a 2 foot kneewall to the perimeter of Roosevelt Island promenade to prevent future flooding and
  • having RIOC provide shelter for residents who lose power rather than going to a NYC City emergency shelter in Queens
Here's Roosevelt Island Hurricane Sandy aftermath briefing by Mr. Martinez.

More on Hurricane Sandy from these previous posts.