Monday, July 28, 2014

Community Board 8 Speaks On Roosevelt Island Governance Issues - Ellen Polivy Interviews CB 8's Jeff Escobar & Larry Parnes On Unusual NY State And NY City Jurisdiction

 Image of Ms. Polivy, Mr Parnes and Mr Escobar From CB 8 Speaks

Roosevelt Island resident, Co- Chair of the Roosevelt Island Community Coalition (RICC) and Community Board 8 (CB8) member Ellen Polivy  interviewed Roosevelt Island Residents Association President (RIRA) Jeff Escobar and Community Board 8 member Larry Parnes on Roosevelt Island governance issues. Mr Escobar and Mr. Parnes are also Co-Chairs of CB 8's Roosevelt Island Committee.

Here's Ms. Polivy's CB 8 Speaks interview on Roosevelt Island governance with Jeff Escobar and Larry Parnes.

The CB 8 Speaks Roosevelt Island governance discussion was part 2 of the interview. Part 1 was a discussion of the Roosevelt Island Cornell NYC Tech project.